My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 1, 2018
By mm13289 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
mm13289 GOLD, Colgate, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Hebrew meaning “who is like God?” It is commonly used in the Czech Republic and Denmark. Spelt with 7 letters. An odd number. To some an odd name. It is unique and different. Not spelt like the others. Bumpy yet smooth. Quiet and warm. Like being curled up next to the fire on a cold winter day. Slowly driving up a large hill and then reaching the top realizing you must come down.

My parents simply liked my name. I was their first child, so they had many options to choose from. They are both teachers. They made sure to pick a name that didn’t remind them of a student. Especially a bad student.

My entire life my name has been different. People mispronounce it. They say it as if there was something stuck in their teeth. It often gets spelled wrong too. Adding e’s and k’s that do not exist. Other people may have the same name as me, but most don’t spell it the same.

Mac is my nickname. Most people probably don’t know that. It never comes to mind. I guess I like my name the way it is. It was given to me by an old volleyball coach. My team called me it. My close friends also know this second name of mine. They’ve known it since I got it. I like it as a quick alternative to my name. Short and sweet. For most people I am just Michala. I am okay with that.

When I was young, I would question my name. Why is it so different? So hard to spell? I would sometimes pretend to live by a more normal name. The names you read in a book or see on a sign. Taylor or Hannah. People would know my name and I could spell it too.

I am older now. I’ve grown to like my name. A clean canvas for me to paint. I like that it is unique. I like how it is spelt. I will try to remember the times people get it right. Not when they don’t. To see the sunnier side of my name. The happier side. Like going up that large hill and never coming back down. Like a flower blooming in the midst of snow. Would I ever change my name now? Never.

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