Eyes | Teen Ink


March 11, 2019
By musicsav8 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
musicsav8 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Eyes are like descriptors of your inner personality. Like the sun or darkness that shines within your soul.

My mother’s eyes, deep brown. Her eyes are a warm cup of coffee while cuddled on the couch. The smell of it brewing when you come home, the feeling of the soft couch pressed against you. Eyes that allow you to feel comfort in her arms.

My father's eyes, grey blue. A grey that feels sad, but a blue that brightens the room. A color that resembles mine and our similarities. Eyelashes reaching for the sky like my father, reaching for his goals. Seeing the brightness of the blue eyes when he comes to give me a hug, feeling our similarities when we look in each other’s eyes.

My brother’s eyes, deep brown like my mom. Brown like milk chocolate, the choice that is soft and safe. Driven and motivated to achieve anything and everything, while still finding happiness in the couch.

My eyes, grey blue like my father. A grey that feels tired and a blue that brightens up the room. Everyday I feel my father’s resemblance through my eyes, through my mind. Eyelashes that reach for the sky, like I reach for my goals. The blue in my eyes like a cool ocean ready to be adventured. Brightness shown through laughter.

My sister's eyes, hazel green. Like a leaf rotting in the fall, but will grow back in the spring. So unique that no one shares the same color in my family. My sister is tougher than dried mango and as quiet as a phone on silent. She is different. Her eyes reflect her personality, they are a descriptor of her soul.

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