You. | Teen Ink


October 25, 2019
By Anonymous

Do you have any idea how rough you made my life in the past? I didn’t grow up in a loving home, I grew up in a home where you were an alcoholic. You could be the nicest person anyone met... Until you drank. When I was learning the alphabet every time I said a letter wrong you would hit me with your belt, do you remember that? Mom couldn’t do anything about it because she wasn’t home, and when she was, she was always taking care of you! She never had enough time to care of me like a normal mom would, which is why the only good you ever did was making me an older sister. I am no longer alone, all because of you. I was broken when you ended up dead at the age of 38 because you never took care of yourself. My life completely turned around though. Mom is now able to take care of  Lara and me. There is nothing more I wish from her. But do you want to know what truly changed my life? It was the day that I met Corinne.

Corinne was the new kid in school and I was determined to become her friend. I didn’t have the best start to middle school or fourth grade which made most people not want to be my friend. Stupid I know. Corinne was in my Home Economics class, and she had just lost her mother.

Corinne and I knew each other for about a year before we became friends. When eighth grade started I realized that Corinne was on my school bus so I decided to sit with her. After that day we would talk non stop for hours. We realized how much we have in common, you were an alcoholic and passed away, Corinne's mom was an alcoholic and has sadly passed away. I know it’s bad but because of that, we knew that we were in this together and we could relate to each other and better understand each other more than anyone else could.

Corinne helped me through a lot (mainly my anger towards you) and I’ve helped Corinne get through a lot of things. Both of our lives have changed a whole lot just because I never gave up on Corinne. It took a year of me talking to her, for her to start talking to me. And I’ve gotta say, I don’t think of that year as waste. because I gained a lot. I never thought this kind of friendship existed. Corinne is definitely the best friend I ever had, there's no doubt in that. Now Corinne and I go to different schools, you know. We are still really close, and nothing not even some stupid stories of you can separate us.

You gave me a tough past but it made me tough. Because of you, I have become a strong and stalwart person, I wouldn’t change one bit about myself. Whenever you feel left out or alone, you don’t have to worry because who knows, your depression will soon fade, and I hope it has. You have no more control over me… Dad.

The author's comments:

Living the life I had was really hard. I have no idea how I got through those 8 years... For anyone who is experiencing something like this, I just want you to know that you are not alone. I am still looking for closure on what happened, and this article helped me get some closure, but this story will forever haunt me but it's a part of me and I never want to let it go.

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