What My Vote Means to Me | Teen Ink

What My Vote Means to Me

October 28, 2019
By 1millerj BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1millerj BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My vote is wanting new ideas to better the world for me and others.  Letting the world know that one more tally is added to an idea of change. A million votes and I am just one, so what does it matter?  Well the million others could say the same thing—but then, who would be chosen for office?  

I vote for what would be better than before.  Some follow that same path, while others vote only because of their stubbornness.  No matter the candidate, stubborn voters vote for one party that simply agrees with their ideas of a better country.  Other voters also like to take it upon themselves to make politics so important that they get into physical fights and heated arguments with their opposers.  I don’t find these things progressive, although this is not something just a vote can change.  

So instead of being bothered about something I have no power to change, I’ll bother myself with something I can change, and for the better of our country, to improve our lives.  I’d like to say I just vote for myself and my own well-being, although other people and organizations I care about luckily prevent that. Halting climate change, bringing people out of poverty, and more.  

It is impossible for me to understand everything happening in the world, but people who step up to show their views are people I will listen to with equal care to mine.

The author's comments:

There are people that contemplate whether or not their vote will really count towards anything or if their opinion is even strong enough to vote for someone, although I feel this poem may justify voting over not voting.  Just because a candidate may not have all of your views on certain subjects, that doesn't mean you can't voice and publicize your own opinions on problems.

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