New Neighbor | Teen Ink

New Neighbor

November 1, 2019
By LemonAMax BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
LemonAMax BRONZE, Huntsville, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm like a flower, beautiful, graceful and bright. Yet when to much bad weather i get sick and die"
"Fragile like a flower, yet, poisonous like a snake"

It was like every other summer day, hot with the sun beaming through the tree leaves. We were just getting out of school before the teacher stopped us and introduced the class to the new girl. Adriana was her name, small, sweet, smiling Adriana. At first I thought she’d be just like the rest, a car rider but instead she turned out to be a walker just like me. Our route was the same, our walking too. Almost as if we were twins, “Hi, I’m Kathleen and I bet you a penny that my house is farther away from the school than yours.” I smiled and dared the small, shy girl before me. The corners of her lips curved and she smiled from ear to ear. “Bet”, our walking sped up as we made our way up and down the steep hills that awaited our houses. When we made it there, it turned out she lived right next to me in the small brick house that had two chimneys and three side doors. Her house was our old hide out where me and my siblings played hide and go seek, but now since someone moved in I suppose we have to find another to venture.

The author's comments:

It's a part of childhood life.

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