Sitting and Observing | Teen Ink

Sitting and Observing

January 31, 2020
By Anonymous

As I sat on my burgundy deck, I started to notice things I never have before. The bird’s singing grew louder and louder as I started to fully watch them. The birds were fighting with each other in a friendly manner. I started to wonder what they are fighting over. Is it food? Is it space? Is it familial playful fighting? Thoughts rushed into my mind over why these two creatures were making so much noise. Getting bored with the birds sounds, I turned my attention over to the green plants in my backyard. These flat leaves made the ground seem completely green. The dirt was covered with specks of grass and the brown leaves sprinkled in. As I took a closer look at what was happening on the ground level, I found many many insects. The variety of the insects was endless and I could point out at least 20 different types of bugs just by looking in a simple 4 by 4 area. So interesting to me was that the insects were not bothered by each other. They lived in harmony, all finding their own places in the ground. The way that they all went about by themselves without disturbing their counterparts made me wonder if they interact below the ground as well. 

Due to autumn fully blooming at this time, the leaves on the trees were starting to change colors. The prettiest yellows, browns, and oranges I have ever seen. The Northeast scenery fills itself with these colors in the wake of fall. Turning my attention to the top of my viewpoint, I could see these colors so distinctively. By looking at one tree, I could see the many different aspects of it. Although they were all distinctive in color, they all harmonized in order to form a gorgeous, multicolored oak tree. As I was analyzing this tree, I put my head down and looked at what was in front of my feet. Green, rotten apples from the previous season had fallen right in front of me. I picked one up to eat but soon realized they were no good anymore. I realized I miss out on nature often by being wrapped up in my life and I should start to be more attentive to my surroundings and especially nature.

The author's comments:

I took some time and observed the life around me. What I noticed was impeccable and made me realize how much society misses out by being trapped in their electronics.

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