Working For Free | Teen Ink

Working For Free

December 11, 2020
By Anonymous

      It was a nice sunny day, Friday. The weekend had just started, and he had ordered a new engine for his truck. It was supposed to arrive at his house at 12:30. He started his day with a cup of coffee as usual. He called his friend to come over and help him when the engine arrives. When his friend come over, they started messing around to waist time while they wait for the engine to arrive. After about 30 mins the engine finally arrives. They ran to the shop and grab the life to hoist the engine. When they got the engine, they brought it back to the shop to begin working on it.


      They began adding better parts to give the engine more power. They started with aluminum blocks and headers. They also built a 5.0 turbo transmition for faster acceleration. Once they got the engine together, they put it in the truck and hooked everything up. They tried to crank it over. BOOM! The engine caught on fire. He ran to grab the fire extinguisher to put the flame out before it destroys anything. He had to rewire everything that had melted and burned during the fire. They got as much as they could for the day then decided to call it a night.


      They both came in bright and early to finish putting the engine in and get it working. They began fixing the fire damage and anything else that was not hooked up. After hours of work, they finally got the engine hooked up. They were ready to crank it over again. This time the engine cranked over with a loud roar. They started laughing and high fives. They shut the truck off and got it prepared for paint. They painted it a very bright baby blue and called it a night. They let the paint dry overnight.


      When they woke up. They went outside to check the paint. It turned out perfect. It was shiny and sparkly. They took off all the paper and tape, started the truck and took it for a test drive. It was smooth and rode like a Cadillac. They had heard about a car meet that was happening later that night, so they decided to go. When they pulled up, everyone was staring at them. The truck was loud and roaring with excitement. They found a spot to park and hoped out. After walking around for a while, they found out there was a contest for each class of car. Turns out he won a trophy for the best truck there. Looks like hard work really dose pay off.

The author's comments:

Life lession short story about a personal experience that me and a friend had. We worked really hard to customise a truck that ends up wining a contest. Life is short but time is all you have so make every day count.

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