Polaroid | Teen Ink


February 8, 2021
By Conor_Dunn BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
Conor_Dunn BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cool spring morning four years ago when my family and I started our journey to Orange Beach, Alabama. We began driving at the crack of dawn to get to our destination on time. This was the longest drive any of us had ever been on, and as we kept driving we saw places we had never been before. 

Almost every ten minutes there was a new building or monument for us to feast our eyes on. The most memorable monument was the Gateway Arch that we saw while driving along the border of Missouri and Illinois. The view of the monument made my jaw drop because of the sheer size and unusual architecture. The entire drive was filled with magnificent sights like this which stimulated my family for the whole drive as we passed through all the states on the way.

We had finally crossed the border heading into Alabama with seven hours left until we were to reach our destination. The excitement built up inside of us as we got closer. Happiness filled the air, palm trees filled the streets, and the smell of the salty ocean air filled the car as we rolled the windows down. A sense of calmness and serenity was held in our heads as we got closer to the ocean and our condo.

We finally arrived at our condo in the Phoenix resort right on the oceanfront of Orange Beach after our 22-hour car ride and, we were never more relieved. My family and I rushed inside to check-in at the front desk and unpack as quickly as we could. At this point, it was five in the morning with a beautiful sunrise rising above the horizon and creating the perfect portrait in the sky.

This was truly a trip to remember, the unforgettable sights, the beautiful climate, and most importantly, the moments shared with my family. This journey will stay in my memory forever and will be one of the thoughts I carry with me for years to come. 

The author's comments:

This is a piece about a family trip to Orange Beach, Alabama, and the whole journey there. 

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