pet peeve | Teen Ink

pet peeve

March 1, 2021
By milanblazek BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
milanblazek BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Waking up at 6:00 in the morning is dreadful enough. Walking out to the kitchen, half asleep, when my dad starts up a whole conversation about the day ahead of us, is something I just can not stand. Too early to get out of bed , too early to eat , too early to talk.

Too tired to understand most of the words coming from him and not enough motivation to respond, I walk right past him to grab a water as he’s halfway through our conversation. “When are you leaving?” “Do you have work?” “Are you having breakfast?” he asks and my reply is always “yep.” Mostly because I didn’t retain anything that he said to me, as it has only been five minutes since I woke up. 

As I get ready throughout the morning and my body wakes up the conversations that were once him just talking, slowly become actual back and forth conversations. Yes, I’m still too tired to respond fully and yes, i’m not completely happy that I have to think so early in the morning, but i’m thankful for a dad that cares about me and my day as much as he does.   

Before I leave for the day ahead, I remember the things that he does for me that make this miniscule pet peeve of mine insignificant, like start my car for me on really cold days, spend time with me doing things we both enjoy like watching movies and eating good food, surprises me with smoothies and shakes. He is continuously solicitous, doing small acts of kindness when I least expect them. The pet peeve I have could never over power the love that he shows me everyday.       

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