It Was My Time | Teen Ink

It Was My Time

October 23, 2021
By Anonymous

It was my time

“What do I really want?” I think to myself.

This all started 2 days ago when I had a life changing bike accident. 

I am soaring through the bike lane when a car comes seemingly out of nowhere.   Frantically I jam the brakes causing the bike to come to a skidding halt.  All the momentum I have causes me to launch over the handlebars. I hit the road hard and slid across the asphalt. I get dizzy, there’s a sharp pain in my head, and there’s a burning sensation all over me.  Then, black. 

I woke up in the hospital to 5 nurses gathered around me.  

A short and stubby nurse brings me a muffin with a candle.  Once a lifetime a person is given a single wish. They can wish for anything they could ever possibly want.  It was my time.

“What do I really want?” I think to myself.

The author's comments:

In this set piece I wanted to work on a flashback written in the present tense.  This set piece is based loosely off the time I fell off a bike(my own fault) but it is exaggerated heavily

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