Sacramento, My(not so) Great home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My(not so) Great home

December 17, 2021
By Anonymous

Sacramento, My(not so)great home

Sacramento, the city of trees, the capitol, the city with great opportunity. I reside in a small neighborhood in a comfy 1 story house with a tree in the front yard. Waking up with the bright and warm light of the sun is a great experience. Taking an early walk in the lush green parks is a waking moment for me, the wind howling like synchronized wolves. The rustling of the leaves. The skies are a vibrant blue, it's as if the ocean replaced the sky. Old Sacramento is a great place to learn its history, visiting the old school buildings, to know how it all began. See the beautiful skylines as the sun sets, and pretty neighborhoods with amazing people.

This sounds good, a place where you´d live for a long time, until you turn the corner and realise that an entire sidewalk is full of dirty and torn up tents with trash littered everywhere. Go for a walk in the unbearable heat, you´ll complain how stupidly hot it gets. Your skin is aching to be in the nice cool shade.  Think your house is dirty? Just look at the streets, see how much trash is on the sidewalks, in parks, in the city, you'll be thankful your house isn't like a landfill. Taking a nice nap, having a great time relaxing, until your ears are pierced with the sound of screeching rubber followed by the roaring of a powerful engine. Smell the morning air, expecting the nice scent of nearby flowers, but instead, you're hit with the smell of smoke and gas, sometimes the air quality is like a burnt turkey after a horrible thanksgiving.

This writing was made by a resident of a city that sounds like a great place, but it's not. The homeless are a huge problem here, the prices of these houses are ever growing, some families can’t afford rent and bills, some can't find jobs at all. There's way too much trash left by lazy people walking by, most people just can’t hold on to their trash until they find a trash bin. Most of the parks have some sort of trash in them, some places are just bare dirt! There's this one place near my neighborhood where people just dump out broken dvds, concrete, glass, and strollers. Heck, I've even seen a whole square tv there before, all beat up with dents and a shattered screen. The amount of traffic that comes and goes through the highways can cause the air quality to dip a bit, some residents are very sensitive to this type of bad air quality. The bad air quality also gives off a weird smell that I don't like.

Even after this, I believe that Sacramentos community still has some room for improvement, but in my opinion, it's just too dirty and unfair for many people who reside here, but don't get me wrong, sacramento has its fair share of amazing and awe inspiring sights to behold, but it's just not enough to compensate for the mess that's “the city of trees”. But if you do decide to plant your roots here, then that's great, but don't complain when the heat is over 90. Have fun here. If you can.

The author's comments:

this is about how commercials lie about sacracmento, showing off how great it is, but completey over shadowing the problems this city has.

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