A Change of Scenery | Teen Ink

A Change of Scenery

January 26, 2022
By Tyler_Henize BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Tyler_Henize BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It all started a couple of months ago, “I’m sorry, but we are moving” says my mom. I was shocked. I never saw this coming. The house that I had been living in for as long as I can remember will very soon not be ours. I felt dazed and confused, the world was moving fast around me. I feel as if I might faint. 

Now, I have been living in my new house for almost half a year. I think about my old house all the time and how I miss it. My new house is the color of a deep ocean blue, and the door is a bright flaming red. Interesting. It is that time of year that there is no school, pools are open, and people are hanging out. I, on the other hand, have been relaxing at home. This is something I hate about moving, not having things to do during the summer. I’ve hung out with my friends only a few times but have been stuck at home for the whole summer. I feel quite lonely with no one to hang out with. The school year is soon to start, my first year at Mariemont Junior High. I’m excited for school to start, something to do since I find myself laying around with nothing to do all of the time.

Before long, school started. I was having fun,  I get to see my friends every day at school. I was meeting new people. Trying to make new friends. Tried to join the basketball school team, and failed, but joined a rec basketball team. I was having a lot of fun. When I go home though, I walk alone and then do homework.  I hate it when I walk home. No one to talk to, no one to be with. The weather is brutal. Water droplets fallingn on my head with the cold wind cutting at my face like a sword. When I have free time, I just play games or do something by myself. I can't even hang out on the weekdays because I’m not allowed and I am usually busy on the weekends. Another thing I hate about moving is that I have nothing to do. Since I had moved recently I didn’t know of anything I could do. Most of the time I was stuck playing board games with my family and taking walks around the block. I needed to make some new friends who lived close by.

Then, one day after the bell rang, I went to my locker to get my old, decaying backpack.  I was starting to walk home. I heard something very faintly, starting to get louder and becoming more clear. It was footsteps. I saw a few kids from my basketball team behind me. I decided to start to walk with them. It turns out that they live very close to my house. One of them even lives under one minute away from my home. I realized that maybe moving wasn’t a bad thing, but a good thing. I could make more friends and hang out with more friends.


After that moment, We would end up walking home from school for the whole year. I started hanging out with them during school. We were sometimes partners or working together on homework. I started sitting with them at lunch and would hang out with them after school. I was a lot happier. The next time I am presented with a situation, I will think of it as a good thing.

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A Life Experience That Changed Me 

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