Teens Making a Difference | Teen Ink

Teens Making a Difference

September 22, 2022
By aveee BRONZE, Salem, Missouri
aveee BRONZE, Salem, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Making a difference in your community even if it’s small it’s a big deal. An act of kindness can be as small as opening the door for an old lady, or as big as taking care of someone in need. Recently, I volunteered to be a church camp counselor which actually didn’t end up being an easy job. We had to clean the camp, watch and teach the campers, and play a couple crazy games with them. The week of camp was very stressful but in the end was a lot of fun and I will definitely be attending next year as well. Another thing I’ve done to make a difference was work at a church yard sale. The yard sale was a fundraiser for Grace Harbor, which is a local homeless shelter. At the yard sale, my friends and I unboxed all of the donated items people brought to the church and I was in charge of money. We made 1,000 dollars to send to Grace Harbor that day. After the sale, we boxed all the unsold items back up and donated them to Goodwill. Lastly, I volunteered to shelve books at the library. I have been going to the library ever since I could walk so I felt like I needed to do something to help out. I asked the librarian if I could do anything to help out and she said I could shelve books for her. So one day in the summer I went for an hour or so and got all of the books and movies in their spots. In the future, I plan to help at our local soup kitchen and help the library with their children's programs. Helping big or small communities is worth putting in the effort, especially when you can see the improvements. I hope this encourages you to make a difference too.

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