Essay Contest: A Decision | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: A Decision

September 30, 2022
By ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ellabarrie GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 6 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Remember it's only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home".

I made the decision to join a mission trip. At first I was joining just for fun, not knowing the difference I could make for myself and to others. During the mission trip, me and a team of nine other teenagers from around the country, were assigned a home in need of repairs in Erie, Pennsylvania. 

The residents, a mother and daughter, were kind and appreciative. The mothers best friend, who was supportive towards her, even helped the team by supplying tools. The mother served us popsicles on the hottest days, and her daughter socialized with all the teenagers. None of us knew the relationships we could make during this week could be so strong, even now.

Throughout the week of working on their house, I’ve noticed that the mother was occasionally tearing up. One day, when she was admiring the wall I was painting, I asked if she was alright once I saw the tears start to roll in. She was more than alright, she was grateful. Grateful for all the work us teenagers, a group of strangers, have done for her.  She was grateful that it taught her more about faith. Before we all said goodbye when we finished our work after the week, she told us all that she made the decision to be committed to growing her faith for now on. 

The actions of us teenagers making the decision to join a mission trip opened her eyes, noticing the acts of kindness people could bring and that there is kindness in the world. We’ve all made decisions, life changing and some that are influencing others. This also showed me that my decisions and actions truly matter to others and make a difference to individuals. 

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