Essay Contest: Everything comes back around | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Everything comes back around

September 30, 2022
By Anonymous

One kind thing I did was at a grocery store. And I was there to buy some food for dinner. And I was buying things such as meat, spices, and fries.  And then I was walking around to find something to drink but I couldn't find anything. And  I was walking around for like 5 minutes. Then I decided to get apple juice.


I love apple juice but I knew my family didn’t like it as much as I did. But that was the only thing I could find. Then I start walking up to the front of the store to check out. And then my Mom called me and told me that I needed pickles and I was walking to go get them and fell onto the ground g with all of the stuff in my hand. And this very kind gentleman help me get up and picked my stuff for me which meant so much to me. And he was telling me how I looked like his son. And how I and he have the same eye color and the same color hair. 


 I thought about how kind that was and how I needed to return the favor to someone else. So while I was checking out I saw someone's card get declined and it was a little kid. So I went over there and notice it was only 20 dollars so I helped the kid out and paid for all of his stuff. And he was so thankful and seeing him like that made my day. Then the kid said” Money has been really tight lately” which makes it so much better that I paid for his groceries. Seeing how my actions can affect someone that much just made me so happy.

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the teens making a difference essay contest.

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