October 3, 2022
By kiwi234 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
kiwi234 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a person that really likes to understand things. However, one thing that I struggle to understand is how other people think. It boggles my mind how other people can think differently than I can. It might seem small-minded but I really don’t get it. For example, when someone asks for help in math, I will help them, but I do it exactly how I was shown and use the equation. When they still do not understand it, it is hard for me to help them because I don't get how when I bring them through the equation and all the steps, you still might not understand it.

I am a person who really likes to understand things. It is why my favorite classes are biology, chemistry, and science classes in general. They are the ones that unfortunately I do the worst in but to me, they are fascinating. I like to try and understand how things are created from tiny little atoms that make them up. I think it is very interesting to try and understand how people and technology have evolved and how far everything has come. 

I am a person who really likes to understand things. It is why I will always try to learn why people's minds are different and how they think differently, even though it boggles my mind. It is what I appreciate about myself. My friends and I start little debates about politics sometimes and they always ask how I come up with points and it is because I want to understand what it is like to be in another person's shoes. I want to see why they think what they think and how it leads them to come to that conclusion. I like to see other people's perspectives because I like to think that if everyone walked in someone on the opposite spectrum's shoes for only one day, they would understand their point and their side a lot more. 

I am a person who really likes to understand things. This is why one of my dreams is to talk to someone about a topic that they know a lot about and are very passionate about. I would like to just let them talk and then come up with as many questions and keep letting them talk. Through knowing this about myself I feel like I understand not only myself but everyone a lot better because I put myself in their shoes. I think understanding myself, helps me to become a better version of myself because I know that I need to work on it. Now you may understand a little bit about the inside of my mind.

The author's comments:

A little look to inside my mind.

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