Smiles | Teen Ink


October 3, 2022
By mollyj5 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
mollyj5 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Every year my high school softball team joins together with a program called Journey 21. They are a program for people who are out of high school who have special needs. In this program they feel comfortable playing a sport and have the opportunity to play.  Our team invited them to one of our practices where we taught them how to play. We started with throwing, hitting, and running. In the beginning they were a little hesitant but as the day went on they started to understand it more. While playing catch once and a while they would drop it but when they caught it we would all start cheering and then the biggest smile would appear on their face. 

After teaching them how to play we started a scrimmage where we were playing with them. When they were hitting we let them use our bats and they thought that they were special being able to use our bats. Before they got up to the plate we asked them what song they wanted to play for a walkup song. Once their song came on their face lit up and some of them even danced their way up to the batter's box. After seeing their smiles, my heart felt warm. They were having the best day and I was glad that I was able to be a part of it. 

After each hit we would all start cheering and give them a high five. Our goal was to make them feel like they are welcome here and hope they were having fun. After seeing all their smiles on their faces I think that we made their day. 

Once the scrimmage was over we all had some ice cream and got to sit down and talk with them. They all enjoyed talking about the things that they enjoyed. 

When the day was over we gave them each a softball t-shirt and invited them to come and watch one of our games the following week. When they came to the game we invited them onto the field and they went to stand with us for the national anthem. This event is one that I look forward to every year.

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