My Grandma | Teen Ink

My Grandma

October 3, 2022
By Anonymous

My grandma is not able to turn on the tv and a bunch of other things so she asks me to help her most of the time and I feel really good about myself when I know I am able to help her with these things.   I do not really know if it is because she just doesn’t know how to or she just has a disability that makes her shake too much making her not able to press the right buttons that she wants to press.  When I help her with all of these things like helping her with the microwave I usually just keep warming everything up for her even if she doesn’t ask me because I know that she will eventually ask me to so I just do it beforehand so I can already get it done and give her her food instead of having to warm it up first and make her wait I can give it to her right away.  

When I help my grandma turn the tv on I watch shows with her a lot.  It is easier when my grandpa is home to help her but while he is in Germany right now I have to help my grandma with these things so when she needs my help I can easily drive over to her house because they only live about 40 minutes away.  I really like helping my grandma with these things because it makes me feel good about myself whenever I am able to help someone because I know I am really good at these types of things especially when it involves technology.

I love my grandparents and I am really happy that they are still really wealthy even being 75-85 years old.

The author's comments:

I love helping my grandparents with things.

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