My Poor Decision | Teen Ink

My Poor Decision

October 5, 2022
By mongtrue-her2006 SILVER, Sac, California
mongtrue-her2006 SILVER, Sac, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“In my mind, I’m always the best. I don’t care what people say, what the other people think- in my mind, I’m always the best.” Cristiano Ronaldo.

Damn, I'm sorry mom. I won’t do it again.” I said. 

2018, 7th grade at Sutter middle school. My math teacher is mad strict. 

“I got math 3rd period.” I said to one of my friends. 

We get homework every single day and we have to always show our work solving a problem. Even if it's just 2+1=3 and she will want you to write it down. When we make up work on an assignment she would want my guardian to sign my homework so they know. I don’t know why but yea. 

After school I have soccer practice so I didn't care about getting my assignment sign at the moment because my mom drops me off at school in the morning anyways so I just thought I’ll tell her tomorrow. The next day in my 2nd period, I just remembered and oh sh*t I forgot to tell my mom. My grade is already a C and it's going to drop even more. My parents are going to be pissed when they see my grade. I just decided to makeup my mom’s signature. I turned it in and it was all good. 

Time passes and I will continue to forget and I always copy or make up my mom's signature. Turning in my homework was always funny because I will be thinking, man they will never know this is a fake signature. I think it's not noticeable at all. 

One day after school I stayed in after school because I needed help on my homework. I chilled there and finished for like an hour. I called my mom. 

“Hey mom, I'm done, can you come pick me up?” I said to my mom.

“Yea, on my way.” my mom replied. 

I was walking out in the halls to go outside to the front. Until my mom came into the halls. I was like why did she get out of the car? 

“What are you doing?” i asked 

“I just want to go talk to your math teacher.” my mom replied 


I wasn’t tripping so I just went with her walking back to the classroom. Me, my mom, and the teacher were talking. My teacher was being cool telling my mom how much i improved and how i am catching up but then she pulls up all of my assignments with the signatures.

“Are these your signatures?”  My teacher asked my mom.

My mom looked hella confused at me and I was in shock like how did my teacher just switch up like that and put me on the spot. 

I said “oh- yea those are my mom. Right mom?”

My mom looked back at my teacher and said “yea those are mine.” 

I felt relieved that I convinced her that it was real. No way I got her to think it was real. I must be pretty good.

We walked back in the car and went home. My mom was quiet. 

I was hella thinking about what just happened. Bro did i just get caught 4k right in front of my teacher and mom. do you think my mom will forget?

In the car my mom said “ you think i'm stupid and I know you made all of them up. You're lucky I lied and just said yes to your teacher. Do you know you can seriously get in trouble and go to jail? Don’t ever do that again.”

I sat in the passenger seat quietly and ashamed of myself. 

The author's comments:

This is one of my bad habits growing up in 6th-7th grade. I learned and never did it ever again after getting caught in front of my mom. 

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