I Believe in Planners | Teen Ink

I Believe in Planners

January 25, 2023
By maciober SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
maciober SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first day of sixth grade changed my life forever, but not for the reasons I expected. Yes, it was my first day of middle school and I was in a new building, but it marked the start of something else: the first time I had ever used a planner. I have always been a very organized person. My parents have never yelled at me to clean my room or to do my homework. I have always liked things done in a timely, organized, and efficient manner. My mom suggested to me before I started middle school to invest in a planner. Looking back, it is one of the best suggestions she’s ever given me. I noticed a change immediately in the way I completed my work. I began to look forward to when I would check something off in my planner. This new system of organization gave me a sense of motivation to complete all of my assignments. 

Using a planner has taught me the value of managing my time wisely. My test dates are written in chronological order, which allows me to prioritize my focus on studying for those that are approaching rather than ones that are days or even weeks away. Planners make me feel more productive with all of my daily tasks organized on one page. When I write down an assignment, I am always able to go back and check to ensure that I am successfully completing what needs to get done. 

Planners also allow me to remember important dates in my personal life. My family and friends' birthdays and anniversaries are special days I want to remember. When these dates are written down, I always know to give the person a call.

I believe in planners. I feel that they provide a sense of organization unlike anything else. The satisfaction of crossing out an assignment once it is completed provides a feeling of relief and success. I believe that without planners society would crumble. How would people be able to keep track of their obligations? I feel that planners are the very backbone of day-to-day life. I rely on my planner to help me manage my busy schedule. I use a pencil because events and homework due dates are forever changing. In my opinion, planners are the most effective tool there is to manage and keep up with life. I believe that everyone should have a planner.

The author's comments:

As a freshman in high school, it is extremely important to stay up to date on all of my assignments. This system of organization also allows me to remember all of the special dates in my personal life. I recommend and strongly believe that everyone can benefit from using a planner.

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