The Story of Two Different Worlds | Teen Ink

The Story of Two Different Worlds

January 25, 2023
By Anonymous

I was only 5 years old when I left the United States and moved to Mexico. I don't remember much about my life here but I do remember I did not want to go. I was scared to move somewhere else but it was not my choice to make.

My life in Mexico was very enjoyable. I really did not have any responsibilities whatsoever. I actually never even had to go to school. I was able to enjoy my life freely, family stories started to intrigue me and I started to think about lots of things I had never thought about. Some stories were about what life in the United States was like. To me it felt like they were talking about the perfect world. A world where I could be anything and do anything. A life of opportunity . The more I thought about It and the more my dad talked about  to me about this other life and this other world, the more I started to question my own life and what my future 

On this particular day, when I was doing chores at home I could hear all the noise from outside. The cars speeding faster than they should , the guy yelling to advertise his merchandise , the people chit chatting outside gossiping about anything and everybody they could think of. I was used to all this noise. It was part of my daily life but for some reason that particular day it felt unsettled. At this moment I started thinking a bit about my future and my life as it was and as it could be. On this day is where my life changed in a way I never thought it could. 

As I was packing my bags I felt so excited, so excited that I could not sleep for days. I was so happy I could not believe I was making this huge change and all I could think about was all well all the things that were waiting for me. As the day approached I had feelings of happiness or excitement. The closer the day got I was sure I would change my mind and change my plans.

When I was at the airport that was going to come here after a long time, I felt very excited to get on a plane, well, I had done it before but I couldn't get it back. After I arrived at the airport in the United States, everything looked very different. The weather was very cold, my aunt (my mother's sister) went to pick me up, she began to cry since we had not seen each other in a long time, she told me ¨finally I saw you again my Princess¨, it was a moment that I will never forget, then we went to eat at a mexican restaurant, everything looked very different in the city and the food tasted very different than in mexico, the tacos had no mexican flavor at all, and i told them i didn't like them! They all laughed at me and said, ¨Welcome to El Norte¨. 

After we finished eating, it was time to leave home. We were passing many very beautiful places and then I found out where I was born and I said, ¨WOW! It's beautiful¨, I was very happy to know the place where I was born and to know new places. Later, I arrived at my uncle's house (my mom's brother). This was my new home. The 2 puppies that lived there were not happy with my arrival. I could tell that they didn't want me there. Well here I was! I was a new and strange person in this new place that was now my home. Well, if the puppies weren't going to accept me here would I be accepted at all by everyone else? As time went on the puppies got to know me a little bit better, in fact I would say they loved me because I gave them food and that is how we became best friends. Two of my little cousins ​​also lived there, they were very nice to me, they made me feel like I was at home. everything was happiness at that moment, the first week I was happy, getting to know many new places, my aunt gave me an iPhone, clothes, shoes and many necessary things, to be honest I was very happy  Two of my little cousins ​​also lived there, they were very nice to me, they made me feel like I was at home. The days passed and my aunt enrolled me in school and I was in school online, and then I didn't go anywhere because of Covid. All  I was doing was online school and that's when I started to miss my parents and my brothers. I felt so sad, I went into depression for a while. After a few months I met a woman who was a lesbian. We were very good friends, almost best friends then I began to feel a strange feeling for her. I felt that I liked her but I did not want to accept it because I had never liked a woman. We started going out and treating each other a little more, then we were taking a trip and I started to tell her what I felt for her and she told me that she felt the same way for me, then she asked me to be more than friends and I agreed. Everything was okay. In a very beautiful way, she introduced me to her family and I to mine. I had never felt this kind of love before nor was I ever this happy with anyone else. I thought life was great and nothing could go wrong. But one day her ex appeared in her life again, she was putting a lot of importance on her, she was secretly looking at her ex and she kept lying to me, but later I decided to stop talking to her because I was no longer okay with myself knowing what what was happening, and I decided to leave her, it was very difficult because of the moments we spent together and she made me change everything, my way of thinking and many things. This is the point where everything changed in my life and who I am as a person now. For such a long time I never thought I would ever feel happy again. I didn't want to be here anymore and I felt like giving up completely. The struggle was hard but I knew life had to go on. It took me a while to realize the life I was not living and who I could be. I had not only accepted myself as I was but also learned so much about myself that I didn't know. Now I look forward to the future and what it holds for me.

The author's comments:

This was an experience that taught me many things and made me stronger, more intelligent and learned more about life.

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