Being Human | Teen Ink

Being Human

May 4, 2023
By riley13 PLATINUM, Boca Raton, Florida
riley13 PLATINUM, Boca Raton, Florida
39 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I think about being human, I think about how lucky we are to be able to make experiences, and see the allure in everything. We get to participate in moments that make you laugh so hard your stomach cramps up, or moments so gray your eyes feel like they are sliding off your face, or moments so blissful you can't make your face stop smiling. Sometimes my favorite thing to do is walk my dog while listening to Mac Demarco, or write my lit paper like i'm writing a book. I like to walk around the park by my neighborhood and uncover the most ordinarily beautiful things. Most of the time I find myself painting different people’s pictures in my mind. I highlight the accents on their faces that make me feel like I understand some secret part of them. The qualities of life that seem like they are filling them up. Like the young girl, walking her dog, who must have been drinking sunshine by the gallon. Or a girl on the bench, reading a book, with a cover so worn out that it seems to be held together by her sheer will. So many things in this world are alive, but humans have the ability to live- and that's what I love. I love when you stare at the painting of someone's life ,and their shadows of peace, for so long you can see the brushstrokes. That's when the world seems the most beautiful. When you can see the roadmap of stories buried beneath someone's skin. When you really step back and look at your small corner of the world, it's like your entire body is on fire. When you realize there are so many people, with so many different interests, and so many different passions. 

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