Moving | Teen Ink


May 5, 2023
By Anonymous

“Where are you from?” is probably the question I get asked most but it's also my least favorite. As a kid who lived in eight different places throughout my 15 years of life, I guess you could say it would be hard to answer. I mean I haven't lived in the same place for longer than three years. So, whenever anyone would ask, I would just tell them Virgina because technically I’ve lived there longest but I don’t have any family or connections to it. 
I used to hate the fact that I didn’t have a “real” answer. All I wanted was to live in one place and have an answer to that question. When I first moved to Virgina in 4th grade I wanted to go back to Florida, I missed my all my friends. But after a couple months I met my new friends and was fine again, but I knew it wouldn't be long before I moved someplace new. I can remember how upset this used to make me. I felt like I couldn't become good friends with anyone because I would just end up leaving again. Later that year my friends started asking what it was like to move. 
“It must be so much fun. I wish I could live in China!” One of the boys in my class said. 
“Yeah, it's cool I guess.”  
I would always say as I nodded my head agreeing with them. All my friends had been born and raised in Virgina some of them hadn't even left the state in their life. So, when I tried explaining what it was like to move, they didn’t really understand.  
“Yeah, I hate moving.” one of my friends said, “I miss my old house so much, but my parents had to move us to the new neighborhood for their jobs.”  
I can still remember how mad this made me when she said this. How could you think moving to a new house ten minutes away is the same as moving from China to America almost 7000 miles away? Sometimes they would say how boring their lives were and how they wished they could be me. But what they didn’t know is how badly I wanted to be them. I wanted to have lived in the same house since I was born and grow up with the same friends as they all did. I didn't want to admit it, but I was jealous of them. 
In 5th grade right before summer my mom told my sisters and I we were moving to Albania, both my sisters were excited, but I was not. I would leave all my friends again and move to somewhere I had never even heard of.   
When I moved to Albania I missed my old friends, house, and school. But now I know that it was the best thing for me. I have enjoyed getting to travel around Europe and observe many amazing cultures. I also realize how important it was for me because I learned so many different lessons throughout traveling. I have learned how to make new friends and accept change. Now that I have lived in Albania for almost three years and I'm moving this summer back to America I realized that moving is not always a bad thing. It will always suck to move away from my friends here, but we will keep in touch over the phone, and I will be able to make more friends in America. I have realized how lucky I am that I got to move around so much because I have been able to experience so many things a lot of people do not get to experience in their lifetime. 
 Moving has taught me so many things throughout my life but it has also brought me closer to my family because they are always moving with me. Now when someone asks me where I am from (I still hate this question and have no idea what to say) but I normally just say the U.S or Virgina. Because I like to think I am from a little bit of everywhere I go. Each of those places has made me into the person I am today. 

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