Wisconsin's Seasonal Days | Teen Ink

Wisconsin's Seasonal Days

May 23, 2023
By 3drex GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
3drex GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summer—Another summer day comes around and I wake up early for swim practice. It’s 6:00 AM and I hop into my Jeep with the top off ready to feel the cool morning air. I make the 20 minute drive to the Veterans Memorial Aquatic Center in Hartford, WI, looking at the green leaves, Holy Hill passing by and the sun coming out to warm my skin. The air is clear and clean making it nice and easy to breathe in. I jump in the water with the sun beaming down; I’m ready to get a tan line around my eyes from my goggles. After practice, I drive home to lay in my hammock and read a book. Later in the day, I throw my suit on to go out on Okauchee Lake, where my friend Alaina lives. I hang out with my friends and am towed behind the boat surfing. I go home to grill out with brats and burgers bought from Sendiks with family friends all around watching the sunset with a blazing fire. The day ends with Culver's custard. 


Fall—A fall day rolls around and I wake up to orange, yellow, and red trees. I roll out of bed, the sky still a little dark but the sun is starting to peek through. I get in my car to drive to the nearest coffee shop, Birch and Banyan in Hartland, WI  and watch the sun rise. Later that day I go to Peck and Bushel to pick apples with my friends and take pictures. We are all wearing sweaters and jeans. Although it’s only October the Wisconsin weather allows sweaters and jeans to be acceptable. We go home to bake an apple pie. The smells of the pie fill the house making it feel like a perfect fall day. It’s finally time to lay down so I light a fall scented candle and open the windows to let in the crisp fall air; this creates the most cozy feeling. 



Winter—I wake up and look out the window to see that the trees have been dusted and white snow; it looks like a picture. I spend the morning drinking hot chocolate wrapped in a cozy blanket with the fireplace on and a candle burning. I watch movies for hours in this spot knowing that it’s cold outside. I finally decided to get up and put all my ski gear on to go to the local ski hill, Tyrol Basin. We will spend the rest of the day skiing and warming up in the chalet with hot chocolate and french fries. The day ends with sitting in the hot tub to keep warm while the snow falls around us.


Spring—The morning is home to rain showers and worms slithering their way on the sidewalk. It’s a little chilly but I know the sun will show soon to warm me up. It’s the first nice day of the year so it’s time to plant the flowers. You start to dig holes to plant them in and bury their roots. The garden and pots give the house beautiful color and the smell of fresh flowers fill the warming air. I sit outside with family and friends while grilling season has begun. A fire roars to keep me warm as the air starts to cool. The sun has started to set later in the day making the days feel longer.  The Kiltie opens and you go with your friends to end the dayThe night ends and you know that you are in the home stretch of school and summer is on the horizon. 

The Seasons- Everyday comes and goes and along with it comes the Wisconsin seasons. These seasons are unique to Wisconsin because each one is pronounced and brings different activities, food, and scenery with it. The excitement of each season is even greater on the days when the seasons mix, like a 60 degree day in January; something that you will only find in Wisconsin.

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