Sentimental Value. | Teen Ink

Sentimental Value.

September 27, 2023
By TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The one thing I could not live without, That's a tough question. I don’t know, a signed poster, an expensive pork roaster, or my family's animal picture folder. It's hard to choose, when everything holds sentimental value to me. Maybe my bike, or some old trading cards I like, or the picture of the mountain I hiked. I need to choose something, but what? … I like everything I own, so choosing one is so hard.

You know what?! I know what I couldn't live without! My guitars. 

They remind me of my grandfather, who passed. I love strumming the strings, the color of brass. My grandfather was a guitarist, painting with his music like an artist. When I heard him play his guitar, it made me smile from ear to ear. When I was younger, before my electric guitar got destroyed, my grandfather helped tune my electric guitar, and when ever I brought over my guitar, he taught me a new chord, the easiest was C major.

The Guitars I play have kept my sadness at bay. I might not be good at the guitar now, but I will someday. The songs I play vary, from rock to songs sung by Jim Carrey. As I write, I find more about why I can’t live without my guitars. Like how my guitars entertain me while I’m bored. Or how I like learning a new cord.

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