Music is Just a Necessity | Teen Ink

Music is Just a Necessity

September 28, 2023
By 4hull GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
4hull GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I couldn’t live without the sounds of songs repeating in my head when I’m trying to think. I couldn’t live without the mood the music creates at a party as if it brought life into the souls of everyone. I couldn’t live without the memories that music reminds of. Music is so much more to me than lyrics. 

Sometimes it can be soothing like the waves crashing against the shore from the ocean. Sometimes it can be the start you need for the day giving you that burst of energy when you listen to it. Sometimes it can be the thing to create connections with other people.

I would be like an empty water bottle if it weren’t for music. Easy to crush with just a single hand. I would feel stuck as if I were trying to walk through a mile long path of quicksand. I would most definitely be angry as I wouldn’t have an alternative to distract myself. 

I wouldn’t be able to play the guitar under the beautiful night sky. The only thing I can rely on to clear my mind. I wouldn’t be able to express myself as easily as that bridge of connection would no longer be there. 

There would be no more hype songs on the way to the gym blasting at full volume sure to blow out my eardrums. There would be no more country music as me and my family sat at the pool. There would be such a bland world if music didn’t exist. There would be no company of music at night sitting alone in bed.

Without music I wouldn’t be the same person. Without music there would be no concerts to attend. Without music there wouldn’t be that sweet taste of relief on your drive home from school.

I could never live without music. I know many other people couldn’t live without music either.

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