Camera roll | Teen Ink

Camera roll

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

My camera roll

Dear Camera roll, 

I couldn't live without you because you hold all my best memories with my family and friends including my whole past. 

I couldn't live without you because I look back and see the images you captured of joy, happiness and sadness. 

I couldn't live without you because you hold my whole past in one place: past birthdays and events with family and friends and all the exciting things that have happened in my life.

I couldn't live without you because it's a place to save even future memories  and I could never imagine not being able to look back at my whole life that's captured through videos and images all in my camera roll. 

I couldn't live without you because through my ups and downs I can look back and see the happy moments I've had that you hold. 

Even though you capture some images that aren't so great, I like to look back and see the improvement in my life.

Without you I could forget some of the best and worst moments but with my 6,000 pictures I have saved in my phone it's very easy to remember everything. 

Every day I use you as a way to remember moments through school and at home, you even help me do my homework sometimes. 

I couldn't live without you because you even have helped me scan QR codes and get to other websites. 

I couldn't live without you because you hold my past, the current and the future and memories that I will never want to forget.

I couldn't live without you because if I didn't have you I wouldn't be able to capture the happy images I would like to remember forever. 


Nevaeh Bell

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