A Danger, or a Gift? | Teen Ink

A Danger, or a Gift?

October 6, 2023
By dongwoo BRONZE, Reseda, California
dongwoo BRONZE, Reseda, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was 11:00 PM. The trees outside rattled against the windows, swept by the night breeze. After cramming for an exam, sleep beckoned me closer. As darkness veiled my vision, and my mind went blank. Creak. What was that? My eyes snapped open. That creak emanated from the stairs below, causing adrenaline to surge through me. I had secured the doors and windows shut. There was no way something could have come in. The breeze intensifies—the tree scratches against the windows. The door ominously inches open. Quivering, I reached for my phone’s flashlight. As the tension builds up, I shrink back into my blankets. Peering out, I see…my cat’s furry head entering my room.

The author's comments:

I have 2 cats, who like to creep up on me regularly, and they were my inspiration for this piece. 

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