A Potent Teacher | Teen Ink

A Potent Teacher

November 7, 2023
By Anonymous

People instinctively avert their gaze from the haunting countenance of failure, as if it were a malevolent specter lurking in the shadows. The thought of it sends shivers down spines, for it carries the weight of humiliation, often feared more than death itself. However, true personal growth often emerges from the crucible of failure, the sternest of teachers, whose lessons are etched into the very core of our being. For it is through failure that we adapt, evolve, and, ultimately, improve ourselves. Consider, if you will, the analogy of scalding water splashed upon an unsuspecting hand. The pain endured in that fleeting moment leaves an indelible impression—a promise never to tread that treacherous path again, a way seen as orthodox. In this way, failure serves as a guidepost, warning us away from perilous routes in life. Indeed, the most bitter experiences become our most potent teachers, if only we have the courage to face them. 

It was amidst a sad portion of my life that I learned about this twisted, yet redemptive, narrative of failure—a narrative that would change the course of my life. Once, I had been but an inexperienced youngster, brimming with unbridled confidence, sought to conquer any challenge that dared to cross my path. Yet, the grand tapestry of my aspirations unraveled, thread by thread, as life's trials and tribulations unfolded before me. My friends, who stood beside me on this daring journey, witnessed the cracks expanding as if there was a wedge prying it open. They whispered their concerns, arguing for me to reevaluate my trajectory, but my absurd arrogance which I was taught at a young age, held me in its vice-like grip. I remained entrenched, living with hubris upon a shifting foundation of deceiting sand, ignoring their hopes. I craved for more, craving the destination without savoring the heavy journey. My insatiable greed grew rampant, choking the life from my dreams. The end drew near, as my once-loyal friends relinquished their battle against my malevolent nature, their resilience worn thin. 

Deep within the thoughts I had, I acknowledge my transgressions. I ceased to dwell in that shadowed room, driven by the fervent desire to mend those lost bonds. Such saddening abandonment of those who had cherished me most gnawed at my brain, for I had forsaken compassion for the comfort of life. A long while later, I started to hammer these new ideals into my head, forming a new solid foundation like petrified wood. Even with the old left in ruins, the hurricane remained still, breathing to let in fresh clouds and winds. I rebuilt the empire I had before, reconciling with my old friends and my parents. Sitting upon the crow’s nest, I began looking ahead at my future, itself as bright as the burning sun. In the end, I rebelled against my own opulence, wrestling free from its grasp, like a mouse escaping the constricting force of a snake. I remained a king, but now I reigned from a throne of humility and strength, determined never to let what I did in the past recede me of my future. Now I don’t let failure put me in crutches towards my goals, instead I embrace failure and its teachings.

The author's comments:

I had struggled with failure for a few years, and I lost many friends during that time. However, I grew from the experiences, and learned that failure is the best teacher.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 16 2023 at 10:59 am
bl4sph3m0us BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
Rise, brother... Rise, if you would, for that is our curse.

This is great, i love the description as well as word choice within this piece! I hope this gets published :)

bob74 SILVER said...
on Nov. 16 2023 at 10:53 am
bob74 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 12 comments
Amazing word choice, great piece