Top 10 of my favorite memories from 2023 | Teen Ink

Top 10 of my favorite memories from 2023

January 10, 2024
By AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
AhsGirl25 PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

1. Passing my Novice Moves and Pre Silver Ice dances. 
It was on February 15th- everything I worked for has led up to this day. I was nervous but more importantly I was excited because of all the hard work i’ve put into these extremely difficult skate tests and knowing i’m a strong performer and that I was going to execute the skills flawlessly, I did so along with my skate coaches faith and perseverance in me as a skater and person made me pass with flying colors! 
2. The day I was cleared to return to my sport and passion.
In the middle of November I was at my PT clinic after my fourth concussion and I worked so hard on my body muscles and physical endurance so I could return to both the sport and passion I enjoy so much. All my training with my PT guy Cameron finally paid off it showed me how I get stronger everytime and I come back from each injury knowing more and a much stronger person both physically and mentally and Cameron helped show me that and got me to this day that I was officially cleared from the clinic and could return to Figure Skating. 
3. My second college visit to Liberty University 
The most magical and beautiful place I've ever been, I officially call it home and have confirmed where I'm going to college after I went there this past November. It was so heartfelt and settling that I have a wonderful place I can call home for the next four years after high school. I'm so thankful for the amazing community and where I'm called to be. In the middle of November it was an enchanting week and I applied there from me and my family. 
4. Great america with my best friends 
I wasn’t a roller coaster person until this past summer. On the day on July 26th I overcame my fears and my crazy adrenaline junkie best friends made me go on Superman, Joker, Goliath, Batman, and Raging Bull!!! I was terrified, so terrified I almost cried and peed my pants but I went on the roller coasters with them since I didn’t want to be a wimp and it was much more fun than I could ever imagine and the roller coasters were my greatest fear of all time and its so encouraging that my best friends helped me be brave, supportive, and encouraging showing me I can do anything and that they will always be there for me no matter what. 
5. Red White and Blades Ice Show
This year of 2023 was the best Ice show yet, I was in three of the most exciting numbers imaginable with all my best friends on ice and all the practices leading up to it was so fun going along with the coaches crazy choreographies and getting to learn their crazy dynamic styles of coaching and choreographing, leading up to all our hard work put into the ice show with all are fun sparkly and glittery dresses and the songs were indescribable with all the tricks we did and how we had so much fun performing for our families and the public back in May of 2023. Plus our traditional photo in our dresses with me and my three skate friends making professional and goofy photos of memories we will never forget and reminisce forever. And our show Starbucks runs in between show performances. We got to relax and enjoy each other's company! 
6. Spring Break trip to Golden Canyon Arizona
Back in March me, my mom, and both of our friends traveled to the majestic place of Golden Canyon Arizona for a whole week! It was so fun and such an amazing experience especially in nature. It was so cool because it was an environment i’m not used to and the sun was always out, along with a neat looking cottage with a western theme with the mountains and cactuses in the background, and we all even went to these older shops and golden mines along with horseback riding in the mountains which was so cool! We all went on this hike which was the highlight of my trip. We saw old carvings on rocks and hiked in the mountains with flowers and waterfalls in the background plus I even named the cactuses! This was my favorite trip by far. 
7. Ozaukee Ice camp in August.
This camp was the best camp i’ve ever been to, the atmosphere was light and the environment was chill. Everybody was so kind, and I made so many new friends and spent time with old friends too. I learned so much about being a better performer on ice, building my confidence, and the exercise of athletes in this camp alongside of skating under the teachings of several coaches and the one and only Ice dance partner I love so much Alex Gamelin it’s an honor to Ice skate alongside the olympian and I passed my Ice dances with him and learned so much more about all aspects of Ice skating at this amazing camp. 
8. Reuniting a relationship with my Father at Olive Garden. 
It was a fun, and chill night before my birthday near the end of July and we met up at a Olive garden near my house and I was really nervous but I knew I needed to do it and when he came he was both fun and understanding, on everything that happened between us in the past, it was a memorable night when I forgave him and we both decided to move on together and create exciting new memories together in the future. 
9. Dinner and shopping night right before christmas break. 
Me and my two skate friends had a delicious dinner and yummy tea at cafe hollander in the corners mall, unexpectedly after that we went out randomly shopping which is always the most fun shopping experience when you can just go out and randomly shop and explore all sorts of shops and see what you find and the christmas lights on the outside were so vibrant and beautiful that extravagant night. 
10. Christmas with my Dad’s family. 
This was on December 30th as 2023 was wrapping itself up (hahahah) it was scary for me to do but every day earlier in my christmas break was both festive and busy this showed how brave I was and curious to see what was going on in my cousins, grandparents, aunts, and uncles lives. I kept thinking the experience wouldn’t be delightful but I was able to have an even more fun experience than I ever imagined and it lifted my spirit and encouraged their spirits too, to be reunited again as a family something about this night was special to me and helped mend and fix what was broken into something fresh and new which is my main mindset into this new year anything broken can be fixed, and looking into the future not the past, and finally learning to forgive, trust the process, and move on!  

The author's comments:

This piece shows all of my top 10 favorite memories from 2023! 

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