The Cape of Wind and Stars | Teen Ink

The Cape of Wind and Stars

January 25, 2024
By ellewlgs SILVER, Beijing, Other
ellewlgs SILVER, Beijing, Other
9 articles 2 photos 1 comment

The sound of wind in the season lingers in the small town by the clouds, in the horizon of the sea, between groups of circling seagulls,  and between chiming winds under the setting sun, making me lost upon the sight. 

The pond brims with fallen leaves, rippling in an orderly manner amidst the fierce wind and rain. At the point where water meets the sky, it spreads spots all over the place.  Rainwater cascades down the alley, finding its way into my hair and tracing delicate paths on the windowpane. The pouring rain, urged by the July monsoon,  grows with relentless intensity, mirroring the release of long-held burdens and stifled emotions.

sudden storm bursts forth with intense life like a  firework in the vast darkness of night, illuminating a fleeting silhouette and leaving behind a gentle warmth as the smoke dissipates. It once again stirs waves in my mind,  accompanied by a sense of belonging that feels beautifully peculiar.

Yet, those faint fears and uneasiness brutally tugs me back to reality. Outside my window, a thunderous symphony unfolds in the night sky. I lean against the dim light, seeking solace and redemption for my soul in every line I write, unburdened by the chaotic twists and turns of life.

The rain stopped.

Unexpectedly, the clouds part, revealing glimpses of sunshine that traverse the cloud-draped town, painting a radiant rainbow in their wake. The eaves, adorned with raindrops, and the vibrant vines clinging to the walls, awaken alongside the slumbering flower cat in the courtyard. They emerge from the celestial baptism, embracing the warmth of the sun and weaving fragments of ordinary beauty in this lush era. No matter how ordinary one's state of mind may be, it becomes captured by the untamed emotions that follow the rain. The soul yearns for music, and within the notes, it finds solace. The rainwater seeps into the depths of the mountain town, soothing the emotions that have been steeped in the passage of time.


The roses, entwined upon the wooden fence, bloom with a fragrant fervour, spurred on by the urging rain. Fallen petals twirl in the wind, gracefully navigating through the interlaced branches. They scatter worries across the courtyard, lingering at the doors and windows of the season. In the shimmering reflections of the lake, the silhouettes of fallen reeds sway, accompanied by the distant melody of a flute in the valley. Rainwater lifts the trembling lotus leaves, while solitary birds gently pause upon the rippling water. The bridge traverses the faint light cast upon the water's surface, revealing faint traces of reality. Thin mist rises, entwining with the tapestry of life's journey. Sunlight weaves golden beams, and a gentle breeze tenderly embraces the land and water. Sitting beside the wooden window, I witness the lingering tears of raindrops upon the glass. Sunshine pours onto the stone path like a rich vintage wine, casting shadows that no one can step upon.


From silhouette to hashmark, I bind sunlight into pages.


The zephyr between valleys is imbued wth pristine symphony of the rain, then mingled with the capes of celestial luminaires of the asters and luna. Fireflies fill the nights, pervading each ephemeral night before dissolving into the clouds


Betwixt the valleys, pristine zephyr is imbued with the gentle breeze and mellifluous downpour.


The pristine zephyr, betwixt the valleys, is imbued with the mellifluous downpour, and then dispersed by celestial luminaries. Presently, luminescent fireflies pervade the ethereal realm, lingering in each ephemeral night, before dissolving into the realm of rain-kissed vanishing into the rain-kissed clouds.

The author's comments:

a very stream-of-consiouness writing that came to mind. a scenery description really. 

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