Letter to Myself | Teen Ink

Letter to Myself

May 17, 2024
By faithk07 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
faithk07 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear future me, 

I hope you’re doing alright for yourself. I may not be sure when exactly you are reading this, but I know you aren’t satisfied. We have always been the type to hold ourself to the highest standards and in turn, beat ourself up over the fact that we can’t always reach them. You may not be happy with where you are in life, but I want you to remember that sometimes, there is only so much you can do. You can only stretch so thin and so wide, so take a moment to breathe and relax. Wherever you are in life, take time to remind yourself that greatness is achievable, but perfection is not. However many hours you spend working on something, no matter your skill level, no matter your experience, it is okay to not be perfect. Of course you’ll mess up and make mistakes because greatness is not attainable without mistakes. When you make a mistake, you must show yourself appreciation instead of breaking down over it. There is so much more to life than one silly mess-up. 

Although your brain may be stressed

And your heart needs a break

And your body is tired

It can all be relieved

Though you are upset and angry

You must pay your dues

Because everything can be relieved

Once you find the time

It takes to appreciate


Your heart

And your mind

Only then will everything become lighter upon your shoulders

So slump and shrug no longer

For the time has come to love yourself as you love others

You are capable of more than you can imagine. Your heart has stayed in constant movement for all of your life, but it still has endless love for those around you. Remember that the next time you are upset, because you may have got up on the wrong side of the bed or the barista at Starbucks messed up your order, an important thing is to love other people. The most important thing for you to remember is that you need to love yourself. Appreciate your legs and how they have helped you to get to where you are now. Appreciate your hands and how they have helped you complete necessary tasks. Appreciate your mind and you it has helped you to think of all the wonderful ideas it created. And last but certainly not least, appreciate your heart and how it has helped you to feel love and compassion for others. Never forget that your heart is here to love yourself as well. Take a day off and show yourself a little of that compassion. 


You, but just a little bit younger

P.S. Vegetarianism is not a good idea

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