Keep Moving | Teen Ink

Keep Moving

May 30, 2024
By Anonymous

My first move was at four, on my birthday I got a Lightning Mcqueen bicycle and had to ride it into the moving van. The worst part was we were moving from Arizona to Michigan in the winter, so I wouldn't see that bike for another four months. This move was not too bad; I was too young to really understand what was going on, but it was the start of the next 15 years of my life. I moved another four times (not counting houses) and with each one I grew and learned.

The second move wasn’t too bad either. I knew what was happening, but I had high hopes that I was going to keep and touch and come back to my K-2 grade friends. I traveled from Michigan to Washington which was easily one of the most breathtaking states I’ve lived in, with a constant view of waterfalls and trees bigger than anything you could imagine. These few years went by fast and it is where I got involved in more sports like soccer and baseball so I could meet other kids easier. I joined a travel soccer team and got to explore most of the state. I would also placate my desire to explore by going on camping trips with other kids from the team and quickly realized the beauty of the red wood forest and all the natural waterfalls included in it.

The third move was hard, I was starting middle school and leaving all my friends and a beautiful place I loved. When we got to Florida, it was hot and humid and this would be what I lived with for the next three years of my life. I did, however, quickly make friends, some of whom I’m still in touch with and got to enjoy the perfect weather for most of the year (when it wasn’t summer). I lived right next to one of my best friends, Will, for two years, so we would always go on bike rides exploring the area and playing baseball together. Will moved my 8th grade year and covid struck which secluded my final stay in Florida.

We moved to Wisconsin during the Covid pandemic which was very difficult. Sports were shut down so I couldn’t make friends and I went three months here living in a hotel with no one to hang out with. When school finally started the masks made it difficult to assimilate with my classmates. Fortunately, once football season I was able to make some memorable friends. I have enjoyed my four years in Wisconsin, which is the longest I have ever lived in one spot. I have built lasting relationships and I am going to be close to Wisconsin in college. I plan to visit Wisconsin a lot throughout college. 

I have learned a lot of important life lessons while moving and although it was hard I am grateful that I went through the experience. I believe that I will have an easier time converting to life in college at Purdue now that I am used to change.

The author's comments:

I grew up in a military family and this conveys my experience throughout the moving.

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