One Can Make a Difference | Teen Ink

One Can Make a Difference

October 29, 2024
By haleym64 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
haleym64 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One Can Make a Difference

Social media is the route of communication with multiple platforms. TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram are where all of us teens lay. There is no doubt that social media influences negative energy, given that many people can hide behind a screen. It stimulates bullying-cyberbullying- and can cause individuals to suffer with their mental well-being and, in some cases, lead to suicide. However, everyone has the opportunity to do the opposite: spread positivity.

 I enjoy using my social media platforms to spread positivity. I have a large audience on TikTok, with 23,400 followers, and I have the opportunity to influence them positively. I use my account to make funny videos or reply to my comments with gratitude. Individuals who follow people with platforms tend to reach out and ask for advice and help. In one instance, a girl I followed back sent me a DM telling me how she was feeling helpless and depressed, asking for advice as I posted a TikTok talking about how I overcame my mental health issues and how I did it. I told the girl my advice and methods, reminding her of her worth and importance. She seems to be doing better. However, the roles can be reversed. Though followers reach out to me, sometimes, I reach out to them. Everyone has a role, and you can benefit from the traits they possess. It's essential to express and help others, as well as to learn and grow. We humans need to work together by spreading and receiving wisdom and positivity.

It is essential to use big followings or influencers to touch on the topics of cyberbullying and mental health, as social media is usually the center of these problems. Reminding someone that the world is better with them in it is only eight words. You do not need a big platform just to be kind on social media. Be kind and make a difference.

The author's comments:

I find social media to have a very negative impact, but I believe it can be a powerful tool if everyone works together and provides support.

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