Memory Evolves | Teen Ink

Memory Evolves

January 12, 2010
By Anonymous

Child's Perspective:

The night before I could not get to sleep at all. We were going to Kings Dominion the next day! I couldn't wait! I had never ever been there before. I wanted to ride all the roller coasters and win prizes and get one of those giant lollipops and eat good food. My mommy, my daddy, my uncle, and my aunt were all going. The whole ride up there I would not stop talking cause I was way too excited. When we finally got there and I opened my door, my eyes grew big and my mouth dropped. I could hear the all crankity noises of the roller coasters and even see some of em' in the distance. I waited patiently as my dad put sunscreen on my face so I wouldn't get sunburnt. I hate having sunscreen get put on me cause it always gets in my eyes. As we entered the park I couldn't wait to get on all the rides. Even though I'm young I'm kinda tall for my age so I was able to ride all the roller coasters except the stand up one. I was really thirsty, so we bought a coke and when my dad bought the drinks he made weird face when the man told him how much it was. Must have been cheap!
The first roller coaster I rode was the Scooby-Doo one. It was so awesome! We went on and rode the rest of the roller coasters that I could ride. We got some lunch and my dad made that weird face again when he payed. Later in the afternoon there was a Nickelodean show going that included Spongebob, Wild Thornberry's, and some other shows. They got on stage and acted and stuff. Then after that they had a slime show where they dumped green slime all over everybody. Mommy wasn't too happy that slime got on her clothes. When we left there I wanted to go ride the big pirate ship that went around in circles. While were on it, some guy lost his hat. That was the only ride that kinda scared me but it was still fun. My mommy, daddy, aunt, and uncle didn't really like it though. Before we left, we went into a gift store where my mommy bought me a Scooby-Doo pouch thing that goes around your waist to hold money and other stuff. She also got me one of those giant lollipops with all the colors, but I was never able to finish it all. On the way home I fell asleep real quick and didn't wake up till I got back home. That was a good day and I can't wait to go back there again.

40 year old perspective:

I don't remember too much from my childhood besides the big fads like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Power Rangers. One activity I really enjoyed as a child was going to Kings Dominion. I still very much enjoy going there at least once a summer. I guess that is why I can still remember the first time that I went there.
I remember the night before my first time going to an amusement park which was Kings Dominion in Richmond. I laid in my bed and tossed and turn for hours. I was finally able to get to sleep that night. We left very early that morning so we could get there as early as possible and went on a weekday so it would be less crowded. The whole car ride down there I would not shut up about all the rides and attractions I wanted to visit. My parents probably wanted me to shut up, but knew how excited I was that day. My aunt and uncle also accompanied us on our trip that day. I remember stepping out of the car when we got there and how amazed I was. I could hear all the roller coasters and even see the Volcano roller coaster which was being built. Before we went in, my dad said we all had to put sunscreen on our faces and shoulders. I always hated when he put sunscreen on my face because it always got in my eyes. I was so happy when I was finally able to put on my own sunscreen. Right after we gave them our tickets and entered the park, I was already complaining of being thirsty. We went and bought drinks where my dad made a disgusted face when he payed. I learned that we spent a good amount of money that day buying food and drinks.

After that, we went to the the height-checking station to see which roller coasters I would be able to get on. I could ride them all except the Shockwave coaster where you had to stand up. The Scooby-Doo coaster was my first roller coaster ride. I remember the adrenaline that pumped through me while we went up the first hill and went down. After that, we went on to ride the rest of the acceptable roller coasters. We went on to buy lunch where my dad once again shoveled out lots of money and made his disgusted face. We were beginning to become tired so we decided to go check out the Nicktoons show. After they were done with their performance, the slimeshow came. Green slime was dumped on everyone in the audience including me and my parents.
I enjoyed the slime on me for some odd reason, but my mother was mad because it stained our clothes. I was allowed one more ride after the show, so I picked the giant pirate ship that did flips. That ride still gives me chills to this day. Some poor guy lost his hat on the ride that grinded in the gears of the boat. Before we left, I wanted to get a souvenir. My mother got me a Scooby-Doo fanny pack and one of the giant lollipops. I was never able to finish that giant pop.... I fell right asleep on the way home and didn't wake up till we arrived home. Kings Dominion was always my favorite place to go as a kid.

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