No Chance to speak For Who I am | Teen Ink

No Chance to speak For Who I am

April 30, 2010
By Anonymous

I am really am not stupid
I really am not ugly
People don't know who I am in the inside
I just want friends, whom I can hang out with
I feel unwanted by my peers
Please don't judge me, what I look like
I am a senior in high school
All of my life, I have been made fun of
Please give me a chance
For once in my life, I want to be confident and not shy
I really am a good person
People who don't know me,just say stuff about me, to be disliked by others
All I want is people to like me for who I am
This is why I had no chance to speak for who I am

The author's comments:
I have been made fun of all through my school years. It has been very difficult to find friends. I feel like people are just jealous of me. I think that is why

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