Long Year | Teen Ink

Long Year

May 25, 2010
By Melinda16 BRONZE, New Tripoli, Pennsylvania
Melinda16 BRONZE, New Tripoli, Pennsylvania
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Everyone is saying that this year has been terrible. Dealing with deaths is a hard thing to do. I can't disagree with that. But I see this as God's way of testing our strength, our closeness in our community. I'm thankful to have supportive friends through all of this. God gave me them for support and for a shoulder to cry on. I think that this life needs to be lived and with friends like mine, I know that will be easy.

The author's comments:
This school year, we had a student at our school killed by a car. She was a sweet girl and this was hard for all of us. A couple month's later our school nurse's son was killed training for the army. Then a girl in my grade's aunt died. Then another girl's aunt died. Both from cancer. Recently a boy from my grade's mom died from cancer. It's been a hard year and I know it.

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