Saying Goodbye | Teen Ink

Saying Goodbye

February 22, 2011
By Molly Boylan BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Molly Boylan BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Golden locks of hair falling around an olive-toned face. Life in the bright green eyes that stare back at me. A laugh accompanied by an illuminating white smile made up of thin lips, gums, and teeth. White, clear cheeks filled with freckles. A blissful laugh furnishing the room. A scrunched up nose and ears that slightly stick out but are often hidden by a golden mane. Pronounced muscles forming arms and legs. Movement and life.


Short thin blonde hair showing small ears that slightly stick out complimenting a little nose. Determined eyes that smile at me. A groggy voice along with a laugh committed to life escaping from the same thin lips, pink gums, and pearl-like teeth. Freckles covering a pale face. Thinning eyebrows and eyelashes. Muscles disappearing down the arms and legs. Resting and a wheelchair.


No hair. Brown freckles coating a flushed swollen white face displaying a small nose and ears. Eyes staring at the wall fighting to stay open. Scars cascading over a shrunken body. Bones showing themselves through transparent fingers. A faint voice coming from thin chapped lips that fill the room. A slight ivory smile of bravery. A permanent bed.

Golden locks of hair falling around an olive-toned face. Everlasting life in the bright green eyes that stare back at me.

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