Friends and Trust Just Don't Mix | Teen Ink

Friends and Trust Just Don't Mix

March 10, 2011
By DeliciaLandry BRONZE, White Castle, Louisiana
DeliciaLandry BRONZE, White Castle, Louisiana
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Since, I made my first friend ever, I believed I was the friendliest person on earth. All of my friends eventually turned their back on me for some odd reason, but my mother told me that the reason was jealousy. Repeatedly, she told me that I did not need friends because that’s what my family was here for. Contrary, this one girl changed my perspective about a true friend; her name was Courtney Jones. I entered a situation that I was not prepared for, which was a serious, true friendship, or at least that’s what I thought it was.

I enjoyed meeting new people, and Courtney was new at our school, so I went to her and introduced myself because she looked lonely. We exchanged words about ourselves, and before any time could pass, we were texting. Afterwards, we conversed on the phone all day and every night. We told each other our deares secrets, and I never opened up to anyone before until I met her. I felt comfortable around her all the time, even while I changed clothes or did gross actions such as farting. Courtney and I had never met before, but it felt as if we have known each other our entire life.
As time passed, Courtney began to apprise me about how dreadful her parents were mistreating her, which brought me closer to her because she needed someone by her side. I suggested ideas to her, and she kept apprising me that she wanted to come live with me. Courtney was not fond of her sister that much, but she dealt with her because I told her that it was the proper responsibility to do. Courtney bickered with her dad every night because he did not allowed her to have her way. I sat on the phone and believed every word she told me because she was my friend. From listening to Courtney’s family problems, it persuaded me to get even closer to my family because I did not want to be in the same situation she was in the middle of.

We notified each other daily about different situations, but that soon came to an end when her parents flipped out on her one-day. Courtney called me at 11:30 P.M. She was tired and fed up, and she wanted to leave her house. I stayed on the phone with her, and found her a ride to my house since she wanted to leave hers. I suggested Ervin as a person she could call since she knew him. She snuck out, Ervin picked her up, and she came to my house at 4:00 A.M. My mother was clueless about Courtney being there until she came in my room. My mom did not make an unnecessary scene because she knew what Courtney faced at her home. Afterwards, we went to the hair salon. While we were there, Courtney’s sister constantly called my phone in search of Courtney. My mom, then called and mentioned to us that Courtney’s parents called looking for her and threatened my mom that they would have pressed charges on her for allowing Courtney to come there. Immediately afterwards, Courtney and I left the hair salon, rushed to White Castle, and met her parents at the police station. The entire way to the police station, we held hands tightly and cried. As we approached the station and stepped out the truck, we both hugged and cried until the police came got her. From that moment on, Courtney knew she could depend on me at any time.

A few months afterwards, her parents banned her from conversing with me, but we still managed to find our connection again. I felt that our friendship would not ever decay if her parents could not break it up. But my words eventually got cold because Courtney fell in love with her getaway driver. As a little freedom began to slip out of her household, she began talking to Ervin. Ervin was an older guy, and I tired to warn her about him, but Courtney turned heads-over-heels in love with him. As a friend I tried to talk her out of messing around with Ervin because I knew his intentions for messing with her. She was a considerable listener, but did not comprehend well. I told her any pity action I saw Ervin doing or heard Ervin did because I refused to allow her to get hurt. Soon, Courtney stopped listening to what I told her and did what she preferred. All I did was tired to be a friend, but I guessed she wanted to live her own life, so I completely stopped giving her any information about Ervin.

Our connection began to diminish. As the days went by, we talked lesser and lesser. Early one morning, my mom received a phone call about Courtney was in a wreck with Ervin, and she got rushed to the hospital. I phoned her sister to find out the true information. Her sister told me about what had happened to her. Courtney had snuck out the house and met Ervin, but her dad stayed up and followed her out the house. He went to the car, knocked on the door, and demanded Courtney to get out the car. Ervin sped off onto a rocky road. Courtney’s dad drove extremely fast behind them. Suddenly, Ervin’s car lost control, and Courtney flew out the window. She landed in a ditch, and then was rushed to the hospital. I bothered my mom until she brought me to the hospital to see Courtney.

As I entered the hospital and realized Courtney was lying in that bed with tubes connected and scars on her, I began crying until she woke up. I stayed by her side until she healed. When she hopped back to on her feet again, she pulled away from me and catered her time strictly to Ervin. I lacked comprehension on what she tried to do with our friendship or even with Ervin, but I knew I stayed by her side during her downfall. Periodically, our friendship faded away. I expressed to Courtney that Ervin was not the guy she should be with, but she obviously ignored what I said. Meanwhile, every detail I told Courtney about Ervin, she recounted it back to him. Friends were supposed to keep secrets, but Courtney broke the rules.

One night, Ervin posted a status on Facebook about me, and surprisingly, Courtney defended him. From that night on, my feelings about friends changed because a true friend would not have betrayed me for anyone, especially a guy. I valued our friendship as if it was my life, but not anymore. I should have listened to my mother when she told me that every kind girl out there was not a real friend, and a seldom friend is a true friend. Courtney’s mistakes during our friendship transformed me from a friendly girl into a self-centered young lady. In results, I possessed serious trust problems. I opened up my heart to Courtney about my life, and I never opened up to anyone before. Also, I thought she was my sister and a true friend, whom I helped and was there for when no one else was there in her time of need, but she allowed someone to come between our friendships. From that situation on forth, I picked my friends wisely, which means I do not maintain plenty.

The author's comments:
This is about my friendship with my friend Courtney. We had our ups and downs, but we are back friends again. But everything with us are not the same! ENJOY!

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