December 11, 2012
By Anonymous

Moving to a new school I had no friends, of course because I had to start over in a new city. A new state. I knew nobody but family member, and I hardly knew them! My mom enrolled me into a new school, I was afraid. I told my mom that the last thing I wanted to be was "the new girl" all over again. My mom told me it'll be okay, that I had nothing to worry about. She was wrong.. On the morning of my first day of school I faked a cold, my mom obviously didn't buy it. I took the bus and already I was given dirty looks. That whole day people whispered about how I was so weird. I couldn't blame them, I was. I was a black girl who was into heavy metal, rock, country, indie rock, everything! I even dressed like I belong to a "Scream-O" crowd. Athletics was the worst though. On my first day of dressing out for volleyball, I used one of the shower stalls to change. I heard a group of girls walk by the stall so I assumed nothing was going on.. A few moments later, the curtain flew up and all I could see were flashes and all I could hear were people laughing. I was yanked out of the stall and pushed onto the ground, I was humiliated like never before. I got up as fast as I could and ran. I cried and thought to myself, "Where were the teachers when I really need them?"

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was I know that I'm not the only person who has went through this before so I thought it would be nice to just share my story.

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