Vicki | Teen Ink


January 16, 2013
By Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
Alex Finoguina SILVER, Prospect Heights, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all know a relative with a loud personality, right? Well, at least I do. Her name is Vicki, but it might as well be Honey Boo Boo. Their personalities are like two symmetrical circles. I got to experience the full wrath of hurricane Vicki for a whole week recently. We were in a different country, which just added to the fun. On the first night, we all piled into a tiny taxi on our way to Playa del Carmen. I sat there tired from the fourteen hour trip there, but I was also excited to go out for the night. She set up camp in the passenger’s seat. She asked “Como se llama?” “whew”, I sighed to myself. That’s a pretty standard question. The next thirty minutes passed by amplified by the broken English and Spanish coming from both sides. I sat there feeling that the longer we were in the taxi, the louder it got. Finally, we get out to a sea of chachki stores everywhere. Automatically, Vicki gravitates towards the wrestler’s masks and head bands. She grabs the mask with the brightest colors without hesitation. As the night got later, she got more and more comfortable in her environment. She secretly slipped on the mask, and she began testing the people on the street by coming up to them and pretend fighting them. She would yell, “Yo soy luchadora!” That phrase was her badge of honor the rest of the trip. Even though she was ridiculous and obnoxious on the trip sometimes, I would not have had such a great time without her personality filling the room like a balloon.

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