62,sunbeam | Teen Ink


January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Okay before I say a word. let me tell you one thing . ``I love cars`` ask me my favorite . My favorite would be “IDK”. No it is not I repeat not an exotic sports car for some european country . Theres your answer at least you did not write your question in this priceless novel . Alright back to the typing . My mom was getting remarried in a few days and my grandpa wanted to meet his new stepson . At about 2:00 in the morning we showed up at my gramps house . Where I was gracefully received a greeting from his hound dog Buddie . Then from there I was up till about 5:08 that morning . I woke up 3 hours later with a crick in my neck and the fact that my leg fell asleep . I went outside and guess what I saw?
I saw a old 1962 sunbeam it was rusted out and barely the surface which looked like it was at one time a cherry red. There was a big dent in one side. But there was no doubt about it this hunk of junk was a sun beam . You see sunbeams came out in germany they are really rare they only made them for 2 years(62 to 64) they remind of a older aston martin DB6. You know the sean connery car. suddenly a strong hand grabbed my shoulder.

I quickly did a full 360 turn around. I doubt I really did but thats what it felt like I did. I realized who it was . It was my grandpa`s roommate Norman turns out he owns the sunbeam I come to also find out that it was made in 1962 . The first ever year it came out. I saw two sides too this car one side this motheaten rusted out piece of c*** no offense to the owner. But the other side a canary yellow sunbeam with chromed out rims. A jet black leather soft top with a V8 engine . Thats what I saw in the car . However if he had something else in mind I didn't want to kill his ideas so I did not say a word. ``She ain't going nowhere. Then he asked me if I wanted to look under the hood. I looked under the hood and that was when the giant rat jumped out and bit me on the neck. Just kidding there was no giant rat there minus well have been it was so roached out under the hood of that car . I had to bite my tongue to keep myself from laughing my head off . The engine under the hood of that car looked like a engine in an old fiat. That night I went to bed early .

when I got up I did some wandering in the backyard. There were car parts everywhere. One here one there . It was like a zombie shooter I played back home on my xbox Because they were everywhere like zombies in a video game. There was a rusty muffler stuck up a tree a radiator about ten feet away from my left foot. About five hours later we all went up to meijer and bought a new model car a 1957 chevy belair. Can you believe it the car had a chrome radiator and over 400 pieces in all . Can you say time filler . But in a good way . It was fun and in a way educational I know what you are thinking how is making a model car educational . Once again so you do not write your question in this priceless novel . The parts were small and numbered and I had to find certain parts . That were that were marked with tiny little numbers on them. But that was the last night we would be there. So we had a dinner of shrimp over a roaring fire .

Then it was time to say see ya goodbye or however you want to say it but . Either way we were going home . But before we left Norman gave me a new model car a real hotrodder a plum crazy purple 1932 ford roadster with a big blower sticking out of the front end and some really sweet flame job . Then it was time for the long journey home.

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