Changing my crazy. | Teen Ink

Changing my crazy.

January 14, 2013
By Anonymous

“Yo bro, we should watch a movie” my brother-in law Punky said all excited while walking out of the kitchen.
“Sure, what movie?” I asked as we started scrolling through netflix.
It was dark but still early in the night on this boring Friday.
All of a sudden he almost jumped off the couch “Lets watch ‘Jackass’!”
I was thinking he had gone off the deep end but he made it sound like a good movie so I asked “Which one?”.
He couldn’t decide so I just clicked on number three. It was the first time I had ever watched one of these movies. I knew a little bit about some of the characters in the movie because my brother Bobby used to be obsessed with the movies and shows and would tell me somewhat about them. I always thought he was crazy, I had no idea what these scenes of excitement could do to you. After finishing the movie I had such a strong fascination, I didn’t know what had interested me so much. Was it the stupidity or the non-stop fun these people always had. I had this urge to do something I didn’t know what I wanted to do though. I thought I was going nuts.
On Saturday I had gone to my friend Polly’s house, we were just walking around doing nothing so we went to the park she has by her house. We were playing on the teeter-totter and I fell off. We were just running around like little kids finding anything we can do just to have fun and I had that feeling of satisfaction. I wasn’t paying attention where I was going and ran into a trash can, the trash can and I both went down. Throughout the next week I watched all the Jackass movies and became infatuated with a character named Bam Margera. I found out he had a show called Viva La Bam. I watched the first season of it, the only thing I could think of was how much fun hurtful stunts with a skateboard looked. I had realized I am so fascinated and interested in Bam and his lifestyle. Bam does crazy things like jumping off things, doing painful stunts, eating weird stuff like horse poop, and skateboarding.

I have been looking for something to do to keep me occupied because I was so familiar with being with my brothers Punky and Bobby all the time for the past six years. Now though Punky and my sister Alisha were having another baby and Bobby was getting married and having a baby of his own, I needed something to do.
Thanksgiving had passed and it was Black Friday so I wasn’t going anywhere. I was laying in bed just thinking and thinking, “could I skateboard, would I be able to learn how, would it even keep me occupied.” I couldn’t answer my questions, so I called my brother Bobby.
“What’s up chicken head?” Bobby answered, sweet he’s in a good mood I thought.
“Since you and Punky are always busy, I need something to keep me busy, so what about skateboarding?” I asked concerned what he was going to say next.
“You only want to skateboard because Bam does!” He said to me laughing.
“No, well maybe but it gives me something to do, I think I actually have something that is fun and interests me.”
I know he thought I was nuts because of the little chuckle he always does when he doesn’t believe something.
“Why don’t you try like biking or BMXing type of things, you have less of a chance of killing yourself.” he sounded like my dad lecturing me.
“NO! I hate biking, I mean it’s okay sometimes but after awhile I just hate it, skateboarding sounds more fun. Plus, if I’m bored I could just skateboard instead of calling you and annoying you.” he was about to say something but I cut him off “It could be a good thing.”
“Well do what you want, just don’t kill yourself, I still think you should try BMXing” he tried to sound convincing.
“Maybe, but I love the idea of skateboarding, and no, not just cause Bam does.” I said mockingly.
“Don’t lie to me” he joked.

I laughed and just to mess with him I added “I’m going to get the same tattoo as Bam.”
He told me that I should take that up with my mom, and we finished up our conversation. I still just had this feeling of wanting, I want to do a crazy stunt or just something crazy in general.
My friend Steven came over Saturday morning and by time dark came, I was crazy. A feeling of crazy in a thirteen year old girl figuring out life, is hard to tame. Steven, my sister Kelsey, Kelsey’s friend Elisha, Punky, and I were all hanging out in Kelsey’s room. Someone brought out some bubble wrap and a bean bag chair, that was a mistake. I decided to do a flip off the bed onto the bean bag I landed next to it and hit my elbow on a what felt like a stone dresser, that still didn’t stop me though. I jumped off the dresser onto the bean bag and screamed “I got this!” I looked around and everyone was laughing so hard I felt a feeling of happiness and it made me smile, I loved that feeling.
A couple of days later we were at school, which felt like a drag, I just wanted to go home and watch videos of Bam doing more stunts. I had that urge to do something crazy all the time. At lunch my friend Tamia and I were just being crazy and weird. We thought it would be a good idea to get on top of a table and play tag. It’s freezing cold out and we are on top of a broken table, either way it won’t end well. We were running around and I told Tamia one of us were going to fall, sure enough, as soon as I said that, my knee hit the seat, head hit the fence and I was on the ground just dying of laughter. I wasn’t even concerned about my head, my knee hurt more but I was laughing so hard I couldn’t stand up. Every time I went to move my knee it would tickle so I couldn’t move for what felt like five minutes I was just on the ground laughing.

The next day I felt around on my knee and I had a huge bump. I still couldn’t believe I had fallen, I knew I probably would I just still thought it was funny, I asked my friends if they wanted to feel my bump.

On Wednesday my friend Tamia wouldn’t come outside with Polly and I, so we took her schoolbag with all her stuff in it. We wrote funny inside jokes and funny sayings all over her agenda and math notebook. We colored on her bag, which she was okay with because we color her bag all the time in art.
After that everything is nothing but a game of payback, there is pulling out chairs, hitting your head on chairs, punching wars and so much fun stuff. Its like we have our own little crew of crazy people that do crazy things. I’m still feeling the need to do something crazy or stupid, but I can control it better now. I’m happy to share a life changing experience for me with you. Now you know what I’m thinking about when I go into a daze and you understand my craziness. I’m going to do something fun now.

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