Life as i know it | Teen Ink

Life as i know it

February 21, 2013
By gina15softball BRONZE, Irwin, Pennsylvania
gina15softball BRONZE, Irwin, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be the change you want to be in the world

I was seven years old. November 15th 2004. My life forever changed. The day was normal. I went to first grade, was excited for an upcoming assembly. I went home, it was my moms birthday, as i said it was just a normal day. My dad and I wanted to go get my mom a gift, I asked my brother to come along, he refused and we fought(as normal) I come home later and my brother is not home. I ask my mom where is Michael. She very cheerfully replies oh hes across the road at his friends. He never arrived back home. He was hit by a car walking back. I witnessed the whole thing. From that day life as i know it had changed forever.

The author's comments:
Live each day with love never hate

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