One Insane Hobby | Teen Ink

One Insane Hobby

March 15, 2013
By TyphlosionprimeX BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TyphlosionprimeX BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the one thing that occupies me. I am not the one who is hooked to this. One insane hobby that combines different kinds of hobbies into one. One that was made from many more I enjoy. One insane hobby that keeps me sane. In my bedroom, I can I can enjoy it, but I can’t lock myself and be distracted because it’s not healthy.

It’s enjoyment isn’t free. Its awesomeness requires patience and dedication. It requires support and it requires me to get a job and manage my paychecks needed for various bills, gas, and food and fill my hobby envelope with all the dollar bills earned from my hard work. This is how it’s worthwhile.

Let no part of my hobby be forgotten. They all range from anime, manga, figures, and wall scrolls to Lego’s and video games. Each take up room in my bedroom. Collect, collect, collect, I keep doing. It’s fun.

When I’m too sad and too stressed to collect collecting. When I am a depressed thing against so much pressure. Then it’s me and my hobby. When there is nothing else to do to appreciate everything in life. One that gave me enjoyment. One whose only reason is to occupy me.

The author's comments:
How I describe my Hobby for anime, manga, video games, ETC. as 1 large hobby.

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