Vanished | Teen Ink


April 24, 2013
By Anonymous

“He is missing.” The three words no family wants to hear about a loved one. The thought of someone you know going missing is something that will rattle around in your head like a bunch of buzzing bees. Life doesn’t prepare you for moments like this. So we rely on the tragedy of others to learn. Yet sometimes that’s not even enough. It’s hard not knowing if that person is alive and well or if he’s dead.

It was 6:30 when my alarm went off this morning. It was a cool morning, freshly covered with ice from the day before. The small amount of light that escaped from the cloud’s jail was shining down. It sparkled on the ice like it was thousands of little diamonds. I wearily crawl out of bed, like I was limp and my bones were made of Jell-O. The way any teenager, waking up on a Monday morning would feel. I turned towards the sound of my fan blowing cold air, running chills down my spine like little needles. Once my fan was off, I head to my radio and turn on KDWB, the best radio station in the world. Once I know my radio was loud and ready, I head to my bathroom.

The first step I did every morning is do my ab workouts. Then I washed my face and applied early morning acne treatment, which filled up the bathroom with fresh mango and pineapple smells. I quickly put on my makeup and then I brushed my wild mane. Singing along to my favorite song “Heart Attack” by Demi Lovato, I put on my clothes and I rushed downstairs to retrieve breakfast. At this point my radio was loud enough that I can still hear it downstairs. My phone was on vibrate on top of my dresser. I picked up a few Cuties (brand of oranges) from the fridge and started to peel them. In my ear, I could faintly hear a buzzing sound. It almost sounded like a electric razor in the distant. I stopped and I listened, but it gets fainter by the second. I shrugged it off thinking it was just my music upstairs. I heard it again, but only for a few seconds this time. I then decided I should go check my phone. My mom most likely called and now I’m in deep trouble because I didn’t answer. I have this habit of not answering when she calls. I was running upstairs with my puppy Harley close at my heels, wanting a few treats if he begs enough. I jumped on my bed, forgetting I have a plate of Cuties in my hand, and then next thing I know there were oranges everywhere in my bed. Harley was very pleased with my mistake and ran off with most of them. I turned off my music and I take a look at my phone. There was a new voicemail and a missed call. I’m thinking to myself, I’m so grounded. This is the third time I have missed my mom’s phone call. Strangely it wasn’t my mom who called. It was Aaron’s house phone. Aaron is the only one who calls me on that phone, but Aaron had to be at work at 5 this morning. Just then I called back right away, because I knew something wasn’t right.

“Do you know where Aaron is?” Holly asked in a very restless tone.
“No I haven’t heard from him since he left this morning for work.” I said in an uneven tone. “I’m very sorry I missed your call. I was making breakfast. Is there something wrong?”
“The police were just here,” She uttered in a voice on the edge of crying. I knew right then and there that something happened to Aaron. I started to feel dizzy. Her words were rattling in my mind. I replayed them again and again for a few seconds. I started having hot and cold flashes to the point where I was turning bright red.
“The police found his jeep in the ditch, just outside of New Richmond. They are trying to find him right now. I called you to see if you had Derrick’s number. I wanted to ask Derrick if he could go pick up Aaron’s jeep, so there wouldn’t be a towing cost. I also tried to call County Concrete to see if Aaron made it there, but it was the wrong number.” It’s now almost 7:30am. I should be leaving to start my car and head to school. Yet for some reason, I couldn’t move. I was frozen in time. Flash backs from all the good times I spent with Aaron over the past year started going through my head. What I thought about the most was watching movies and coming home to bake Papa Murphy’s pizza. I remember the smell of the cologne I bought him for Christmas. Then it went through my mind, the boy, who just laid by my side the night before, could be dead.

I catch my breath and tell Aaron’s mom I haven’t herd from him. I told her to please contact me as soon as the police find him or hear from him. I hung up the phone and quickly called my mom.
“Hey baby!” My mom said when she answered the phone.
“Hey Mom, I wanted to call and tell you about the phone call I just received.” I’m trying my hardest not to start crying on the phone.
“Oh, and what call would that be?” she could sense the abnormal tone of my voice.
“Aaron crashed his jeep this morning.” At this point there was no chance of me holding the tears in. They started pouring out like waterfalls with no end.
Sounding concerned she replied “Is he okay?”
“I don’t know. They can’t find him anywhere. His mom tried calling his work, but had no luck. She called me and announced that they didn’t know where he was. They were going to go look for him after they pry his jeep out.”
“Well I hope he is okay. It will be okay baby, don’t cry. If you hear anything I want you to call me right away,” She sounded just as concerned as I was. She tried her best to comfort me, but it wasn’t working.
‘I will Mom. I love you,” and I hung up. I went upstairs to clean up and fix my makeup. Now that it was all running down my face. When I arrived at school, people were asking me what’s wrong, because when I cry my eyes turn bright green. Then my face turned bright red and my eyes are really puffy. Again, I could not keep my tears from running down my face. The thought of it was unbearable. I couldn’t even bring myself to tell them what happened.

The rest of my day seriously was a blur. All I could think about was if Aaron was okay. I finally swallowed my shyness and I called his mother at break. There was no answer. I started to panic even more. The slight thought of him being hurt and at a hospital somewhere tore me apart. I was so worried. I sat and I waited for lunch to come. I couldn’t focus on any of my school work. All I could do was watch the clock, hoping time would go by faster. It was almost like the evolutionary clock ticked backwards. While I waited for lunch I could feel my body getting hot and cold flashes again. I felt as if I was in a sauna and then bam! It was like I was in a freezer. Finally that call I have been waiting for hours finally came. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to answer it. There it was, Holly’s name appeared in big letters across my phone.

You never really realize what you have until it’s gone. Something that is so close to you can be taken away just like that. Cherish every moment with the people you love, because you never know, if the next day, they could vanish.

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