Letters To Heaven | Teen Ink

Letters To Heaven

April 25, 2013
By Heather Whitlock BRONZE, Deer Park, Wisconsin
Heather Whitlock BRONZE, Deer Park, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Grandma Carol,

I know it’s been seven years since we last talked, that’s a long time, but how are you doing, enjoying Heaven? Is Heaven just like we dreamed about? I just want to make sure you’re enjoying it.

I really miss you. I think about you every time I look in the mirror. Mom and Dad tell me every day that I look more and more like you. But I really know I do when I see Grandpa Jim because, when he looks at me, he immediately starts to tear up and tells me, “You look so much like your Grandma Carol.” Sometimes I think he forgets it’s me next to him but he is always happy to see me. Dad always says, “Heather you are so beautiful, just like Grandma.” No matter whom it is that tells me that; they all get teary eyed because they miss you so much, and I’m a beautiful reminder of you. I’m going to tell you something, just don’t tell Mom. I’m glad I look like you and not her or Dad, because you were so beautiful, strong willed, furious, and the courage you had was like no other. I’m so much like you its crazy, but by knowing that, I know I can get though anything as long as I fight for it and never give up.

Grandma, you probably can’t believe this because I was so little, but I remember us always baking cookies and that funny-looking apron you always use to wear. It’s still hard knowing you’re gone. I just wish Heaven was only a road trip away. I wish I could go back in time and tell you to quit smoking; and to fight and beat that cancer! That’s one time I regret, not knowing what I know now back then; because then maybe you would still be here alive for Debra and me. You should see her now Grandma. She is so beautiful. We both are. She misses you so much. It’s crazy. She’s got your attitude, plus that red hair that makes her furious.

Grandma, this year has just been so crazy. I got new foster brothers and sisters. Troy had a baby with his girlfriend Markayla, his name is Carter. He’s got that red hair like his daddy and Debra. I met the most amazing guy ever, and he proposed on Christmas, because he’s leaving for the Marines. Mom and Dad both love him; I know you would too. Aunt Shana is still being her normal self unfortunately, but I have to tell on her. She let Kassie date some guy Troy’s age. Uncle Tim, isn’t around much because, he’s off in Montana working. Allen, is going into the Navy, and Alex, well who knows what he’s doing, he never comes around anymore. Mom and Dad started doing foster care about two years ago. Debra, is still being her goody self and Grandpa Jim, doesn’t do much anymore. They all miss you tons though. I know that because that’s one thing we all still have in common.

Grandma, to tell you the truth after you passed away, the family fell apart. We barely see each other anymore. You were the only one that was holding us together. But, I know sooner or later we will all be one big happy family again, plus Mike. I love you and miss you so much.

Love your first granddaughter

The author's comments:
My family inspired me to write a letter about my life now to my grandmother who passed.

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