Making Memories Last: Senior Year | Teen Ink

Making Memories Last: Senior Year

May 20, 2013
By stemper09 SILVER, SUSSEX, Wisconsin
stemper09 SILVER, SUSSEX, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Arrowhead High School’s senior class this year consists of 555 students, all with a different story and a different path ahead of them. This May, Arrowhead will graduate these 555 students and send them on their separate ways. And the class of 2014 will prepare to start their senior year. Before they go off to college though, seniors share insight on their senior year, the good, the bad, the ugly, but most importantly making the most of it.
Vanessa Voss, a senior at Arrowhead spent her last year playing basketball in the winter and running track in the spring.
Voss says, “To be honest, some of my best memories of senior year and Arrowhead in general are memories I’ve made with my teams and playing sport.”
This is definitely attestable considering the girls basketball team made it to the State Championship final four for the first time since 1996.
“Although we fell one game short of the championship,” says Voss, “I couldn’t have been more satisfied with the opportunity we had, and the experience will definitely be a memory I’ll have for life.”
Freshman year, senior Nicole Fortune made the decision to play tennis for Arrowhead.
“Playing tennis was a great experience.” Fortune says, “I would definitely recommend staying involved in anything that interests you. Playing tennis is how I met my best friend and where I made so many memories. Doing activities and staying involved will definitely help you make the most of your senior year.”
It’s evident that being involved in sports and activities will make memories. Just participating in school activities and attending classmates sporting events gives you opportunities to enjoy the whole high school experience.
Voss says that another great memory from this year was attending the Arrowhead vs. Sun Prairie boy’s football state championship. School was let out early that day, November 16th, and students drove or rode the spectator bus to Camp Randall in Madison.
“Seeing the boys get to that point, and watching their journey to state is something I will never forget, and watching them celebrate after winning was definitely a special memory.” Says Voss.

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