Under the Spotlight | Teen Ink

Under the Spotlight

May 21, 2013
By 14Meryl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
14Meryl SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She could feel the smooth ice beneath her feet while she skated to her beginning position. She finally got the feature she always wanted in the annual ice show. She crouched down on the ice waiting for the music to start. Just smile and have fun. Once the music started she was off. The spotlights flashed on and followed her across the ice, but all of the sudden her vision was gone. Her first jump was coming, but all she could see was the bright light, like she was staring into the sun. She jumped into the air, but she lost her sense of direction, and didn't know which direction the ice was. She popped her axel but managed to stay on her feet. Stay calm and keep going. The breeze was blowing through her hair as she skated into her spiral finally beginning to get her vision back. She started to feel more confident, and a smile soon spread across her face. Her final spin came, but once she started spinning she could only see the bright light again, and when she finished her spin, the spotlight made her dizzy and she struggled to keep her balance. Her arms flew up in the air to her ending pose as the music ended, and her eyes filled with tears because it wasn't the performance she wanted to give.

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