Love or Faith | Teen Ink

Love or Faith

September 12, 2013
By Abhimanyu BRONZE, Ghaziabad, Other
Abhimanyu BRONZE, Ghaziabad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Love and Faith are timeless." Undoubtedly, it's love and faith only which constitutes the working of the cycle of life. It's with the basic principle of love and faith only that this world works. Without them there's nothing.

But, think for a second, what will happen if you would have to pick one of these two? Between love and faith which will turn out to overcome other?

My first month in my new school,Modern school made me think, realize and explore those areas of my life where I didn't bother to pay attention before. Before I'll go ahead I want you guys to think over what exactly the difference between love and faith is!

I certainly don't believe in distinguishing things into good and bad because these words sound more of an individual judgment than universal truths. What might be good for me might not be for someone else. I rather conceive vibrations at this point. Vibrations, what we commonly call as vibes. Everything in this world give away vibes which can be further distinguished into pleasing ones and unpleasing ones. We consider things or people as good or bad according to the vibes we receive from them. And as per the universal law of equal and opposite reaction by Sir Isaac Newton, We tend to love those who give away pleasing vibes and hate those from whom we get unpleasing ones.

Within a month I segregate students in my class into "Friends" or "Wanted Ones" and "Unwanted" or "those whom I don't like at all". What exactly makes us take such decisions and that too so hurriedly? Undoubtedly, the vibes.

It's these vibes only which make me love or hate someone.

Love is nothing but an exchange of pleasing vibes. It is not a process. It's rather a reaction, just an instant reaction which works until we tend to receive similar soothing vibes.

So, what is Faith then?

I am more likely to believe that I look better than John Abraham if told by someone whom I know from past eight years but haven't talked to over a month, means I haven’t received any vibes from him from last month, than to be told by someone I know from just one month.

From where does this faith comes from?

Definitely not the vibes. Faith can be described as more of a process. It isn't something we give away so easily.

I realized it today when in school I felt so desperate to share with someone how bad I am feeling but possibly couldn't because I didn't trust anyone else in the school that much that I would tend to believe that they'll understand my problem and would try to solve it.

Obviously, we've faith over those only whom we love, but how much love is needed to have faith on someone. How do we gotta measure it? Is it a day's love, week's love, month's love, year's love or decade's love, enough to turn a simple friendship into some relationship enriched with faith and trust in between?

Occupied with these things in mind I thought to myself whom would I prefer to call in the middle of the night when I'd be in some dilemma, doubt or having some issues or just because I'd been feeling extremely lonely. Obviously, one of my buddies from years not the one I know from a month only because I have enough faith that he would pick up my call and no matter how sleepy he would be feeling or how uninterested he would be in listening to me he definitely would listen to me and talk to me and would possibly try to solve my issue.

But, to whom I'll be giving more priority? Love or Faith.

I thought for a minute and came to a point. I wouldn't possibly had faith on my best friend from last 3 years is he wouldn't have passed a smile back to me the moment we first met. It is love which bring in us a feeling of trust for someone. The more love is there the more faith we've on them.

I thought to myself that it ain't like I just don't trust my new friends in Modern.

It was that little of faith only which gave me enough courage to crack a dumb joke between a conversation, it was that little of faith only that made me ask Devika for her geography notebook, it was that little of faith only that made me make fool of Mudit, Shaurya, Azaad, Dhruv, Rafael, Aru and many many more people and it was that little of faith only that made me laugh at moments when I had been the one whose fun was being made. I didn't bother to think about these small instances of faith I shared with my new friends in my new school before. I didn't give this a thought earlier that it was this little of love and faith only that left me with nothing but smile after my every single day at Modern. It was that love only that brought that little faith between us.

It is love which tends to be more great, more valuable and more reliable.

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